Chapter 4

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The rest of class was a blur to Camila. All she knew was 45 minutes later, she was waiting outside her class like Lauren told her. As promised, Lauren walked up to her and smiled. They started walking, as they passed by the lockers, Camila saw Lauren's friend's glare at her.

"Don't worry about them. They're not going to do anything to physically hurt you," Lauren said, grabbing Camila's hand, but she flinched back, Lauren looked at her puzzled.

"Hey. I'm not going to hurt you," Lauren said, slightly grabbing both of Camila's shoulders, stopping her from walking. "It gets crowded around the stairs. I'm scared I might lose you, so I'm trying to hold your hand."

Camila looked down, embarrassed, after she realized what Lauren was trying to do.

"Don't worry. I got you," Lauren said, grabbing Camila's hand again, this time she didn't flinch. Lauren led them through the halls with no trouble whatsoever. However, throughout the whole rush, Camila was thinking about how Lauren's hand fit perfectly with hers. They continued walking until they turned into a smaller hall way. "Here's your class, what do you have next period?"

"Music with Ms. Knowles. Hm," Camila looked up with her finger on her chin, thinking.

"What is it?" Lauren asked.

"Isn't it weird that the music teacher has the same last name as Beyoncé?"

"Huh. I guess you're right," Lauren gasped and put her hand on her heart. "What if it is Beyoncé?"

Camila giggled and pushed Lauren for mocking her. The two minute bell rang, since Lauren's class is right across from Camila, she thought she'd try to get to know her.

"Anyways, how was class? Did you talk to Dinah?" Lauren asked, leaning sideways against the wall next to her.

"I did and she told me very interesting things about you. Well, until she got sent to the principle's office."

"Only Dinah would get sent there on the first day back. But what interesting things?"

"That's confidential babe," Camila blushed when she realized what she had just called her.

Lauren coughed, trying to hide her smile, "So do you have any hobbies?"

"I like to write music or write in general, sing, and play the guitar. What about you?" Camila said, still embarrassed.

Lauren shrugged, "I draw, write, and take pictures. Not much."

"Hm. You wanna draw me something one day?" Camila said.

"Only if you sing for me one day."

"Promise." Camila smiled, holding out her pinky.

"Really? Pinky promises are for kids."

Camila glared at her, but Lauren wouldn't give in. "Okay. Guess you don't want me to sing for you," Camila shrugged, pretending to walk into class.

"Okay, fine," Lauren begrudgingly stuck out her pinky.

Camila grinned. "Go to class," Camila said, pushing Lauren into her classroom.

Lauren laughed at Camila's weakness. Camila glared at Lauren for thinking it was a joke, Lauren raised her arms up and started walking into her class. "We'll continue this conversation later." Before she closed the door, she added, "By the way, I like when you call me babe, babe," then winked.

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