Chapter 9

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When Lauren got home, her parents rushed her to get ready for the guests.

After Lauren finished with her shower, she threw on a long sleeved crop top, a pair of high waisted light washed jeans, and combat boots. She stared at herself in the mirror for a while; contemplating between wearing makeup or not. In the end, she decided to put a little to give it a pop.

She was about to be done putting on her mascara, when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in!" Lauren yelled, putting the mascara down to look for her Chapstick.

"Um. Your parents told me to come up here and hang out," Camila said, swaying her hands back and forth, looking at the ground.

"That's alright, Camz. Just sit down on the bed, I'm about to be done," Lauren said, still not looking at her.

Camila sat awkwardly on the bed, and looked around the room. There weren't many things in there. It was just a normal bedroom; bed, drawers, and a closet. On the right side of her walls; there were many Polaroid pictures. Camila got up and walked to there, lightly touching each one. She couldn't help but think something was missing. All the pictures were arranged perfectly except for two, the gap between them was much bigger than the rest.

"Like what you see?" Lauren said, approaching Camila while putting on the choker she was looking for.

"I do, but why does it look like there is a photo missing here?" Camila said, pointing to the gap.

"Well.. I took it out for a reason."

Camila was about to ask a question, but Lauren waved her hand in her face.

"Please don't ask me what the reason was."

Camila nodded, walking past Lauren, "We should probably go downstairs now."

"Yeah okay. By the way Camz," Lauren said, causing Camila to turn around. "You look beautiful," Lauren kissed Camila's cheek lightly, and plucked her bow on her head then walked out of the room. Lauren walked down the stairs and shook her head, mentally asking herself why she did that.

Camila blushed and touched her cheek lightly. She didn't know why she felt sparks. She didn't notice that she'd been standing there for a couple of minutes until reality kicked in. She ran downstairs, almost knocking Lauren over in the process.

"Whoa Camz, slow down," Lauren laughed, holding Camila by the waist.

Camila blushed and looked down at her waist. Lauren was confused by what Camila was looking at until she looked down too. She retracted her hands quickly and scratched the back of her neck.

"Are you Lauren?" A little girl asked, tugging on Lauren's jeans.

Lauren looked at the girl, confused as to who she was. Camila picked the girl up, and that's when realization hit Lauren; that was Camila's sister. She looked at Camila, silently asking her if she could take Sofi. Camila nodded and handed her over to Lauren.

"Hey cutie. You can call me Lo. But you must be Sofi. I've heard about you," Lauren said, lightly tickling her stomach.

Sofi smiled widely. "Kaki talks about me? She talked a lot about you today."

Lauren smirked and looked over her shoulder at Camila. "She does now?"

Sofi nodded wildly. "She says that you're beautiful and smart and amazing and kind and-"

"Okay, Sofi. Let's not get carried away," Camila said, taking Sofi from Lauren and putting her down so she can go play.

"I don't say those things by the way," Camila whispered to Lauren.

"Mhm. Sure you don't," Lauren laughed.

Camila shoved Lauren to the side, "I don't!"

Lauren put her hand over her heart, pretending to be offended. She smirked and regained her balance to start tickling Camila.

"No - Lauren - Lauren - stop it! St -" Camila tried to say through fits of laughter.

Lauren's parents and Camila's mom watched them with amusement, while her dad just stared at the TV. After a few minutes, a timer dinged, signaling that dinner was ready.

"Okay Lauren. Stop torturing the girl. She's a very nice lady," Lauren's mom, Clara Jauregui said, placing her hand on Lauren's.

"Mom! How could you be on her side?" Lauren pouted, playfully.

"Because she likes me, not you," Camila said, sticking her tongue out.

Lauren laughed and started chasing Camila around. Clara shook her head and laughed, "I'll just get dinner set."

"I'll help," Sinu Cabello said, getting up from her seat.

The two moms started walking to the kitchen, in a very serious conversation of Cuban dishes. While the dad's sat on the couch watching the game with wine in their hands.

A few minutes later, Camila stopped in the dining room, trying to catch her breathe.

"I - I - ne - ed a - mo - ment," Camila said, breathing hard.

"Lauren Michelle! Can you set out the glasses for dinner?" Clara yelled from the kitchen.

Lauren laughed, going into the kitchen to set out some drinks for dinner. When she came out, Camila was laying flat on the wooden floor.

"You do know we eat in here, right?" Lauren set the glass cups on the table in front of everyone's chair. She left to the kitchen to get the water.

"Meaning that, there will be food crumbs or something like that on the floor," Lauren said, pouring the water into the cups.

Camila abruptly got up. "You couldn't tell me earlier? Or like why did you have to chase me? This wouldn't be a problem if you just let me be."

Lauren chuckled, "Not my fault you thought you could out run a softball player."

"That's why you're not tired right now!"

Lauren nodded and laughed, sitting down at the dining table. Camila sat in front of her and they stared in each other's eyes for minutes. Something about Camila makes Lauren want to spend more time around her, and get to know her; something told her that she would.

"And dinner is served," Sinu shouted, putting the last plate on the table.

Alejandro and Mike came running in with Sofi on their tail. Despite the ruckus, Lauren and Camila never let their gaze go. Everyone started eating, but they were still staring into each other's eyes.

"So Camila, how was your first day of school?" Mike Jauregui asked with a mouthful of food. Clara groaned and wiped his mouth with her napkin.

Camila looked away from Lauren first, turning her head to look at Lauren's father. "It was good, I guess," Camila said, drifting off and started to eat her food.

"Judging by the way you guys were acting just now, something tells me that this isn't the first time you met," Alejandro Cabello said, pointing his fork back and forth from the two girls.

Sinu scolded her husband for doing that at their guests house.

Lauren shook her head, "No sir. We met in school, my friends were being very r-"

Camila interrupted her, "BEING very nice. They were very welcoming people, Dad."

Lauren looked at Camila confused. Camila shook her head, silently pleading Lauren to just drop it. Lauren agreed.

The rest of dinner was full of laughter and smiles. After dinner was over, the fathers continued to watch the game and Sofi went along with them to sit with her dad. The females washed the dishes and cleaned the table.

"Lauren, you and Camila can go upstairs," Clara said, drying the last plate.

Lauren nodded and pulled Camila to her room.
Author Note:

Anyways have a good day! Be safe!

Twitter: loloisbaeo

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