Chapter 6

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Lunch was spent talking about how Beyoncé and Rihanna were the queen of everything. Lauren and Camila were currently talking about how their love for The 1975 while walking to class.


Lauren knew that voice from anywhere, especially when it was angry, she instantly cursed at herself. "Hey I have to talk to her, okay?" Lauren said to Camila.

Camila didn't want Lauren to talk to them, but she obliged. What if Lauren makes up with them? What would Camila do? How would Lauren treat Camila then?

Lauren sensed Camila's confusion of all of this. Therefore, she grabbed Camila's shoulders and made her look at her, "I'll still talk to you everyday. And walk you to class everyday. And I'll still sit with you at lunch everyday. Everything will still be the same as today, okay? I just need to find out why they did what they did."

Camila felt assured so she nodded and walked into class.

"What the hell do you want Lucy?" Lauren said, turning around, glaring at her in disgust.

Lucy raised her arms as if she were surrendering, "Look, what Vero did was stupid-"

Lauren scoffed, "No. It was fucked up."

"Okay fine," Lucy rolled her eyes. "It was fucked up, but she wanted to apologize."

"Then where is she?" Lauren said, crossing her arms. She knew Vero would never apologize.

"That's the thing... She was scared to face you so she asked me to do it for her."

"That's bullshit, Luc. She doesn't even know what an apology is, you and I both know that. So you tell her that I said if she wants to apologize, stop being a pussy and do it herself," with that, Lauren walked into her class.

Lauren stopped in her tracks, who was the guy talking to Camila? Why does Camila look so uncomfortable?

"Hey Camz," Lauren said, as she slid into the seat beside her.

"Hey Laur. How's everything go?" Camila said, she didn't care about her conversation with Shawn. She thought maybe if she ignored him, he would go away. But nope.

"Camilla, I want to finish my story," Shawn said, pulling her arm so she could face him.

"It's Camila," she said, getting a bit aggravated, so she put her head down on the desk.

"Hey man, she'll talk to you later. Her head just hurts, that's all," Lauren said, sensing Camila's frustration.

Shawn nodded in understanding, and stood up, "I'll talk to you later then, Camila."

With that being said, he walked back to his group of obnoxious friends.

"He's a good person, it's just his stupid friends that make him like this," Lauren said, rubbing Camila's back in comfort.

"Whatever. Seriously, how'd the talk go?" Camila said, trying to get off the Shawn subject. She didn't particularly like him, he's a good guy and everything, but he kept trying to flirt with her.

"Well, all Lucy said was Vero wanted to apologize," Lauren shrugged.

"Did you forgive her?" Camila said. She was all about forgiving and forgetting.

"Not exactly.." Lauren drifted off.

Camila punched Lauren, "Why not?"

"Ow," she said rubbing the part Camila punched. Camila just shrugged.

"And I didn't forgive her because I know Vero. She doesn't apologize for anything she does, and that's the reason why no one messes with her or us," Lauren continued.

Camila nodded. They sat in comfortable silence until the rest of the girls came. Camila wanted ask Lauren something, but she was scared that she's get mad.

"What is it? You keep looking at me and scrunching your eyebrows then when you open your mouth, you close it a second later," Lauren described how Camila looked right now.

Camila blushed and looked down, she didn't even know she was staring at Lauren.

Lauren laughed at Camila's embarrassed stage.

"I wanted to ask you something, but I didn't know if I should," Camila says after Lauren's laughter dies down.

"Come on, Camz. Ask me anything."

"I've only known you for a few hours, but I can already tell that you're an amazing person that I want to know more about. You're this great person, but why do you hang out with them?" Camila asked, putting her head down because she didn't want to see Lauren get mad.

Lauren sighed, "Honestly, people ask me that a lot, but they just don't know them. They're good people, despite what you saw today. They've been there for me through think and thin, even if I had irritated them many times, it's just what they do. They stuck by me and I feel like that's what a true friend is."

Camila was shocked that Lauren's friends stuck by her. She thought they were just rude and ignorant. Just then, Lauren's friends came into the classroom and walked towards Camila. Lauren saw that and stood up quick.

"Chill Lo," Alexa said, raising her hand up. "We're just here to apologize then get to class."

"Yeah. Nothing bad is going to happen. If you want, you can sit there and listen," Keana said.

"I'll go first!" Lucy yelled, excitedly. All she wanted was for Lauren to not be mad at her or any of the girls. "What's your name again?"

"Camila," she said uncertain. Camila looked at Lauren, a bit of fear in her eyes. Lauren nodded, reassuring that she'll be right beside her. Lauren sat down, and reached for Camila's hand under the table.

"Right," Lucy nodded. "Camila, I'm sorry for laughing at you and I'm sorry for not helping you up."

"Yeah, me too. I apologize, Camila," Alexa said, stepping up to Camila's desk.

"Same. Honestly, I thought you were pretty cute when you walked in," Keana winked.

A blush formed on Camila's face, as well as a small smile. Lauren's grip on Camila's hand tightened, she was jealous. Camila felt it, she also felt Lauren's jealousy radiate off her, that just made her smile even more.

Vero hadn't said a word since she walked in. Everyone looked her, except for Camila. She was intimidated by Vero.

Vero looked up, seeing everyone stare at her. "What?" She asked, she acted as if she hadn't heard everyone's apologize.

Lauren glared at her, silently telling her that she would beat her up if she didn't apologize to Camila. Vero avoided Lauren's gaze, and started looking at the grammar posters on the wall.

"Um. Thanks for that," Camila said, shifting in her seat, feeling a bit uncomfortable that she was the reason why Lauren and Vero were arguing.

The girls nodded, bidding goodbye to Camila and Lauren, before leaving for class.

"VERONICA IGLESIAS!" Lauren yelled, causing the whole class to turn towards her, but she couldn't care less.
Author Note:

Have a beautiful day!

Dm me if you wanna talk or if you have any problems, I'm here for you.

Twitter: loloisbaeo

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