Chapter 31

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The petite girl yelled at the bartender at the party to give her a drink, being the fifth one. When he finally did, she gulped some of it down while listening to the song that was playing. She sighed realizing how much she could relate to it.

Maybe I just wasn't ready, maybe you was too perfect
You came in, I fell for you, started not to feel so worthless
But sometimes these things don't really turn out for the better, no
Been a minute since we last talked
Everybody tell me just to let it go
Both of us been through so much, all the pain, it will never show
Always wondered how you really felt
Shit, I guess I'll probably never know, but it's all okay
Yeah, maybe we wasn't meant to be
Maybe me, I was meant for you, but you just wasn't meant for me

She quickly wiped some tears that escaped her eyes and downed the remainings of her drink. She made the bartender give her another drink, but he refused since she was underage. She said some threatening things to him, making him nod furiously and gave her another drink. She felt someone sit next to her and heard them sigh. She just chuckled and drank her shot.

Camila turned around in her stool and watched everyone, then she sighed again, looking at the boy next to her. "Cool party. Lame bartender."

Shawn laughed, sadly and drank out of his beer bottle.

After Lauren made those threats to him, he stopped being an asshole and became the Shawn that Camila knew. He continuously apologized for his behavior and said that he'd never do it again. The two slowly became friends again, but not as close as they use to be.

"What's wrong, man?" the brunette asked, after getting herself yet another drink.

The boy shook his head and sighed, "How come every time I like a girl, they always have someone else that they're in love with?"

Camila looked at him with hooded eyes, meaning that she was beginning to get drunk. She told him to elaborate and drank another.

"I like Haliee, but she already has some other dude. We were doing perfectly fine until her ex showed up and she went back to him." Shawn began to laugh at the situation he just explained, "Sounds familiar, huh?"

"Sorry Shawn. I somewhat get it though, the girl of my dreams rejected me today, that's why I'm here. I just need to get drunk."

"So much for our love life, huh?"

They two laughed sadly and clinked their drinks in agreement. The two hung around the bar area for the rest of the time, getting drunk and talking about their emotions.

After many drinks, somehow they ended up in Shawn's bedroom, naked. Both having no remembrance of the night before. The two agreed to not tell anyone and to never speak of the situation again.


"Hey Mila, you alright?" Dinah asked, concern written all of her face. "You haven't been eating lunch."

Camila shrugged, then looked at the food, wanting to regurgitate all of it, even though she hasn't even eaten anything. She hasn't been able to eat without throwing up for the past two months. The blonde watched as her best friend's face get etched with a disgust look. She was about to say something else, but her girlfriend had greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey babe, I'm going to sit with Lauren, Lucy and them, okay?" Normani said, then gave a smile to Camila in greeting.

Dinah nodded and kissed her on the lips, before turning her attention back on Camila. She wanted to ask her so many questions, but before she could, Camila laid her head on her arms. By that, the blonde knew her best friend had a headache and needed silence.

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