(OLD) Chapter 7

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Note: I apologize profusely for how long it's been. I know it's only two weeks, and it's even Sunday, but I feel guilty. Some people on the wisdom teeth update suggested I don't spread myself too thin, and I greatly appreciate your concern.

In other news, my wisdom teeth finally feel normal again, and I'm back at home after a quick visit to Nashville (I was there on Friday when I realized I didn't bring my computer on the trip). So we're basically back in the swing of things!

PREVIOUSLY ON THE CLASSIX: Cartney and Emeray discovered that DEFED put an engagement ring in a box intended to hold a necklace. According to their note, DEFED doesn't really like Emeray anymore and planted this ring as a tipping point to annoy the public. If you want a visualization of how this would annoy the public, consider this in today's time with whomever you feel applies or applied in the past.


I've never been too keen on birthdays. Judging by the way the last sixteen have played out, the annual celebration of the day I was brought into this world has never proved to be any different than any other day in my life. The world never stopped in its merry course of tribulations. The sun never poked its way out of the crowds to boast a gold, effervescent sheen; March is generally a muggy time for my area of Eldae. The people didn't smile when I walked by––they never did, even on a regular day.

Like usual, I would wake, look in the mirror. Same brunette atrocity with the bright blue eyes, one year older. If anything, my birthday was just another reminder that this horrible glitch of a thing was brought into the world.

As of late, however, I've had my fair share of unique days. They don't drone on like they did back in Red. The world stops every time I walk out the door. The sun comes in gold and white-hot camera flashes when I pass by paparazzi. And most of all, everybody smiles at me when I walk by––even if they hate me with all their might. They're usually too starstruck to remember that.

Today I wake, look in the mirror. New blonde luminary with the bright blue eyes, one year older.

I brush my teeth with my right hand, glancing with great caution at the left. I wiggle the fingers, inspecting the skin and feeling how nice it is to have no rings weighing them down. Cartney told me he'd do everything in his power to keep DEFED's ring from making an appearance at dinner tonight, but even so, there's no guarantee. There's always a lingering chance that the box he brings tonight won't possess a simple necklace.

Engagement aside, DEFED's entire reappearance is the worst gift I could've asked for on a day like this. For three months we've been without them––on edge, surely, but without. The only thing we ever had to fear was the propensity of them coming back, and paranoia can always be vanquished with a little hopeful thinking. DEFED, however, can never be vanquished––they'd already proved this twice, with Bree and Foster.

Pulling on a sweatshirt, I take in a deep breath, departing from my room to make a quick morning visit to the Analytix. I'll have to find a spare moment today to show the other members DEFED's newest message––maybe even Norax, too. The letter didn't explicitly tell me that she couldn't know, and she's been holding her ignorance of the Volxsturm against us from the moment we escaped the Fishbowl, going on and on about how she could've stopped Foster's death from happening, some way, somehow. Informing her of a new threat immediately seems like something we should be doing, especially with so many new members about to flood into the place.

My stomach takes a twist inside me. And they can't wait to meet you––the last line in DEFED's note. Norax told us that new Famoux members are going to be comprised of the people who talk the most frequently about us, regardless of whether or not all that talking be negative or positive.

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