(OLD) Chapter 19

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Note: I know. I'm sorry. I'm here.

PREVIOUSLY ON THE FAMOUX: The interview with Ansel is happening like right at this moment.


An hour later, the first face I see when I exit the stage is Carstan van Horne's. He's in a stance almost identical to one I've seen Norax in countless times before––his shoulders steady, a clipboard in his hands. The similarity makes me as overwhelmed as it does ridiculously fearful.

"You did an amazing job, Emeray," he says, giving me a thumbs up. "Nothing like making coffee with Delicatum, right?"

Before our grand show on Ansel on Eighteen aired, over a dozen production meetings ensued in preparation. The offices in this studio are yet another place Norax was when we weren't sure where she'd gone––along with fetching us the Fanatix members, she'd sat through countless conferences deciding the best way to introduce so many people with a minimal amount of disarray from the audience.

Disarray, they decided, would be inevitable. Bringing in six new faces into the Famoux so as suddenly as Norax was planning would, without a doubt, cause a frenzy among some of the fans. So many people, so little time. For Ansel to extensively interview all six of them, divulging into all the details of their personal lives, would take far too long for an hour broadcast. Other arrangements would have to be made.

Lucky for the Fanatix, they're more accessible than Famoux members have ever been. With the members of the Classix, like myself, a trip to Fissarex obliterates nearly every aspect of your old life in regards to public knowledge.

But the Fanatix––they are real people, unchanged, with hometowns, and friends, and families the world can come in contact with. They don't need a whole hour to tell a fake story about how their family is now unreachable and that the world should totally drop the subject. Regardless of whether or not they say a word on Ansel's show, detailed stories of their lives will likely end up in magazines by the end of the week.

Thus, our host Ansel Anders, in fear of either boring or overwhelming with a dozen interviews, called for various activities instead. Ice-breakers, he claimed, for the entire world. And in his planned fashion, each and every one of us broke ice, answering a couple lighthearted questions while having a dance lesson, or baking a cake, or other homely, distracting things. The goal was to make it seem like we, the Famoux, could be right there with the viewer, helping around the house while having a small conversation.

All the colored doors for the Classix members swung open at once at the beginning of the show. We're all here, it seemed to beckon. Stay with the program for another hour.

Ansel, after newly introducing us as the Classix, had each member welcome in their own new members to Delicatum. We went one by one down the line, and when the names were called they would step through whichever member's door and onto the stage. Truly, literally following in our footsteps and into the public eye as Famoux members. It was a spectacle to behold of subliminal metaphors.

When the introductions were settled, everyone left the stage and were put into a holding area to wait for Ansel's call. Till's member Sarah went first.

Following every interview and activity with a Fanatix member was another with the Classix. We didn't need to do the same level of introducing as they did, but rather were here to serve as yet another subliminal message. Not only was our presence a brief refresh for the audience with a more familiar face, but also, as Norax put it, an establishment of the equality among our two groups.

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