(2ND DRAFT) chapter TWELVE

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Note: I am so sorry for how long it took me to get another chapter out! It's finally summer for me, and while I'll be traveling for the next two weeks I will be writing my little heart out to update frequently for you.

On another note, I'VE DONE SOME COOL THINGS WITH WARNER BROTHERS AND THEIR NEW FILM EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING!!!!!! They have a really cool contest about what makes you unique, and you can check the entry on my profile to see an example of what they'...

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On another note, I'VE DONE SOME COOL THINGS WITH WARNER BROTHERS AND THEIR NEW FILM EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING!!!!!! They have a really cool contest about what makes you unique, and you can check the entry on my profile to see an example of what they're looking for. The contest details are on the teenfiction page!

Also, are you on Tap? I've got two stories on there! One is a message conversation between Olly and Maddy from Everything, Everything, and the other is a fun conversation I wrote for Coachella. Please check them out and comment here your Tap name so I can follow you/friend you/whatever one does on Tap. My username is my one on here: famouxx.

Also, the beautiful edit for today was done by the lovely swaggymeags. She made a bunch of beautiful ones that I can't wait to show you!!!

Okay, enough talk. Let's get to the update.

PREVIOUSLY ON THE CLASSIX: We again heard from DEFED. Something tells me we might not be hearing directly from them for a while, but that's subject to change. Either way, you should remember how Carstan is here and is the new Famoux member, and everything is UNSTABLE.

I added two new characters here after looking at their entries on my "SO YOU WANT TO BE A CHARACTER" update. Welcome to the Classix, christinolan and sonia741!!!


    I don't know what he knows, and that's source and summit of the panic bubbling beneath my skin. For the entire car ride back to the Metropolix, my thoughts are a war zone, split between two ideas: Maybe Carstan has only been told about the Fissarex's existence and nothing else, like how I was when I joined. Or maybe he's been told exactly who we are and who we used to be, and there's no more secret to Emeray Essence.

    He might know. He might not.

    Either way, the panic won't subside.

    Luckily for me, everyone is taken back in individual black cars, so for the drive back it's just Gerald and I. He asks me no questions about today's meeting, although I know inside he must be dying to find out what happened. As the new sentry provisions he mentioned decree, that kind of celebrity-to-guard sharing isn't allowed anymore, and the penalties for breaking the rules are strict. Even when I try to tell him about it, just to have someone to talk to, he shakes his head and stops me before I can get two words out.

    "You know you can't tell me," he warns.

    I frown. "Maybe not right in front of Norax. But now––"

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