(2ND DRAFT) chapter FOUR

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NOTE: Fancy seeing you here in 2017, Wattpad! What's your one-word resolution for this year? Comment that right here for me so I can see what your goals are. Mine, as it was for the remainder of last year, is "NONSTOP."

(If you follow me on Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram, you know I got to go back home to Hamilton a few days ago

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(If you follow me on Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram, you know I got to go back home to Hamilton a few days ago. Just when you thought my obsession was dwindling down . . . IT'S BACK.)

I'll tell you more about my goals for this year after the chapter. Preview: I'M GONNA NEED YOUR HELP!

PREVIOUSLY ON THE CLASSIX: So Emeray, Chapter, and Cartney just returned from their time in Notness on set for the movie Onward Train. They ran into the other Famoux members when they got home, which went horribly. The reaction from readers is mixed. Some people are mad at Kaytee, Race, and Till for being bitter. Some people are annoyed with Chapter and Emeray for being well liked. WHAT IS THE VERDICT?!??!


    It isn't until the morning that I run into Norax. I wasn't expecting to encounter her so early in my day, but I guess I forgot our usual morning routine, because the moment I step out of my bedroom in the morning I find her waiting for me in the same place she always did before I left for the movie set: At the end of the hallway, steps away from my door, beaming with a clipboard in her hands.

    The smile on her face is knowing––too knowing, almost. I have no idea what it is she might know. I get nervous just at the thought of it.


    Her voice is a roaring exclamation. I nearly jump back as she throws her arms around me, squeezing my middle so tight, her arms might wrap around me twice. The sudden display of affection comes as such a surprise that I barely have time to even think about hugging her back before she's stepped away to look at me again, wistful and watchful.

    "Uh, hey," I say, wary. In contrast to hers, my voice is small, uneasy. I take a step away from her in apprehension.

    She notices, but barely misses a beat. "It is so good to see you here again. You were quite missed back in the Metropolix. Shall we start our morning?"

    I rest my hand onto my doorknob with hesitation, getting the urge to rush back inside to the privacy of my bedroom. I can't believe that over the last month I'd actually forgotten the extent of how much Norax loves micromanaging my life––even more now since I became one of the public's key favorites. It's as if she'd rather keep the momentum going for me as much as possible instead of ever batting an eye at Kaytee or Till or Race. Worst of all, she is blatantly obvious about it; while always treating me with saccharine kindness, she's a little harsher to the others. They don't take it lightly. Playing favorites like that has only isolated me more.

    Being away from Norax while filming Onward Train was an incredibly liberating time for me. Without the Analytix around, and nobody pressuring me to check my likability every other hour of the day, I somehow felt a lot calmer and a lot more in control of my life. There wasn't anybody pressuring me to smile this way, say this thing, do this to make the maximum amount of people like me. All I ever had to do on set was show up in costume and have conversations with Chapter. Granted, the conversations were scripted and done in front of dozens of people, but it was time with him that wasn't forbidden, but encouraged. Norax wasn't there to tell me I couldn't see him like she usually does.

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