Chapter Twenty Two

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Upon entering the camp, General Zayn and Iris got odd looks from all of the other soldiers. Iris knew within a moment that they would be confused by Kayde's presence. The first to speak up was Ra.

"Whoa. Why is he here?" he paused for a moment, "Damn, what happened to the lad?"

"He got into it with those wolves. He killed them all..." the general said, "He did it for us. Which means he will be traveling with us until he gets to where he's going. I figured we might as well put his sword arm to good use..."

"He took out all of the wolves?" Shen asked, blinking back his surprise.

General Zayn simply nodding in response, giving Kayde a sideways glance. Iris felt the pride light in her eyes at her mentor, knowing that it was far more than she could've ever done. Not to mention that he took out all of the wolves without help. Given, they did a significant amount of damage to him as well... but still.

"Wow," the archer replied, "Impressive."

"It is," said Dregar from behind Shen, "And you say he uses a sword?"

"Yes, I do," came Kayde's calm voice, "As you are, I imagine?" he asked Dregar, eyeing the soldier up and down.

"I am."

That was all that was said. Shortly after, Iris, Kayde, and General Zayn dismounted their horses. Iris's feet were the quietest as they impacted the ground, even though she was the only one of the three wearing armor. Given, Kayde came in close second. Iris watched as his black robe swished around his ankles.

After landing, Kayde went and shook hands with all of the men there, and also Iris. When he stood in front her, she watched as a smile flashed across his features. General Zayn noticed this and gave him a curious gaze as Kayde held his hand out to shake Iris's. It was a quick handshake, and shortly after, he turned to the general.

"A rogue?" he surveyed Iris, and then looked back to General Zayn. "You keep interesting company. I can't remember the last time I saw one."

His lie was a smooth one, so smooth that if Iris hadn't been the source of the falsehood, she might've believed it herself. At the mention of her, she gave him a courteous nod, and grazed her daggers with her hands. General Zayn gave him a nod as well, and then spoke soon after. "I try and keep those of all sorts with me. I like to stay well prepared for any situation," he told Kayde, and then went over to his spot at the camp and began rummaging through one of the packs that he had brought with him.

It took a minute or two, but he finally pulled out a set of robes. They weren't anything like the ones Kayde was wearing at the current moment, as Zayn's were a crème color and a little bit shorter as well.

Kayde grabbed them and quickly inspected them.

"Thank you, again," he said and quirked his lips into a grateful half-smile.

"You're welcome. It is the least I can do," Zayn told him and then used his hand to gesture at Kayde, as if he were trying to tell him to go ahead and go change. At the motion, Kayde disappeared behind a couple of nearby trees, and Iris could hear shuffling as he was changing.

Most of the men began settling into their bedrolls, all except for the general and Iris.

"Ingred?" Zayn called out to her.

"Yes?" Iris immediately turned to face him, "What do you need, sir?"

She expected him to give her something to do, like do a perimeter check or something of the sort, but he did not. Instead, he used his hand to motion for her to come over to him. Confused, she stood up and walked until she stood before him. Quickly, Zayn glanced over to the spot where Kayde was still changing.

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