Chapter Twenty Seven

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"So you decided to get a healer then?" the General asked Iris once she decided to go and speak with him, and she nodded in response. She saw the relief in the General's eyes at her answer, and he gave her a nod back and began speaking again.

"What made you change your mind?"

"Uhh," her voice was gruff, "Well... I actually had a healer --who saw what happened-- come to my room with her daughter and offer me a free heal. I'd be a fool to say no to that, especially with the pain I was in." She saw Ra nod behind the general, in agreement with her. After a moment, Iris continued talking.

"Do you have the updates on the Caverns?"

"Oh yes," Zayn said at the reminder, "It seems to be at a stalemate so far. They're losing men, but so are we. They sent a lot more soldiers to Krenshai Caverns than we originally expected, so neither of us are gaining any ground. Hopefully that changes soon... in our favor, that is," he told her. She didn't know what to think of his answer. She wanted to be happy that they were not losing... but they were not winning either. Their men were dying too. Her friends at the training camp could be dead at this very moment.

"I'm not sure what to make of that," she said truthfully, glancing at the inn's lobby, and then went on, "I hope that the tides turn in our favor."

"Maybe they will. Our force is strong," he reminded her, "the Eldian army is not a mere threat."

"And neither are we. When are we setting out?" Ra asked. The general turned to him before answering his question.

"Actually, very soon. Within the hour. After all, it's getting late. I've met with all the people that I was scheduled to meet with as well. There is nothing left to do here, unless any of you have anything that you need to take care of before we leave." No one said anything in response, and the general assumed that everyone was ready to go.

"Very well," he said, "I'd like to eat before we go. We might be eating rations for a while, so try and get all that you can here. Our next stop is Alabast, so it's a rather long trip." Iris took a mental note, glad that he had decided not to pass through Eda.

After that, he led them back to the familiar tavern that they had eaten at before. It was a little more crowded than it had been when they had first gone, but the group was still able to find a seat at a far table. As they were moving through the building, a good amount of peasants and commoners stopped and thanked them for ridding the town of the Tokens. Upon hearing this, Iris was glad that she was able to help save a small town.

Everyone in their group seemed proud of what they had been able to do for Morthrior, even Kayde. Iris guessed that he was more used to helping people than she, as he was a Remorda Guardian... a sworn protector of human life. Well, from what Iris had gathered anyways. She wondered if he was also used to receiving glory like the group was getting at the current moment. She flicked her eyes over to him, noticing that he didn't seem uncomfortable with the praise.

As soon as they were able to sit down, a waitress came over to their table to take their order. Much to Iris's relief, it wasn't Freda, but instead an older looking woman with light colored hair.

"Hello, soldiers," she gave them all a small smile, "Can I get you anything this evening?"

Zayn was the first one to speak.

"A good-sized meal for each of us, if you will. We've got a long night of traveling tonight," he told her, and she nodded in response. Iris wondered for a moment whether or not she was going to be able to eat everything. After all, it was considered impolite for women to gorge themselves on large amounts of food. She'd spent many years of her life eating just enough to dispel her hunger.

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