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Wasn't going to post this but maybe I'll write a sequel if people think this book was okay? Anyways thank you for reading :)

July 2017

"Lily, time to wake up sweetie." I gently shake my daughter's arm to wake her up. "Mummy has to go to work soon so I have to drop you off at your aunts."

Lily rubs her eyes as she slowly begins to wake up. "Morning mummy." She sticks her arms straight out, motioning for a hug. I sit down beside her on her tiny bed and give her a giant hug.

"How was your sleep honey?" I ask her while brushing her brown curls out of her face.

"It was good," She pauses to let out a big yawn before continuing to talk. "Mummy I'm hungry. Get me breakfast."

I look at her, a little taken aback at her attitude, but I quickly regain my composure. "Can you please ask me nicely?" I try to give her one of those 'stern motherly' looks, but she just returns it with a giant smile.

"Can you please get me breakfast mamma." She smiles up at me before giving me a quick hug and making her way over to her closet. "Mommy I want to look like you today." She opens the closet door and pulls out a plain black dress and jean jacket, they both match mine perfectly.

"Okay, well how about I go get us some breakfast ready while you get dresses, okay sweetheart?" I motion to the kitchen and she begins to get dressed. I make way to our kitchen fridge and pull out some fruit and eggo's. I pop the eggos into the toaster as I begin to wash some strawberries and raspberries. Just as I have placed the berries on plates the eggos pop out of the toaster. I grab them and place one on her plate as well as two on mine, finally adding a bit of syrup to the top.

"How do I look mummy?" Lilly asks as she comes running out of her room and over to the kitchen table. 

"You look beautiful as always Lily Anne." I smile while placing her plate infront of her and taking a seat across from her.

"So I shouldn't be at work for too long, so if you be good for Lou then maybe we can go shopping after I'm off?" I smile at my daughter as she stuffs her mouth full of waffle. "And slow down so you don't choke."

She swallows the food that is currently  in her mouth before replying. "Okay, can I get a new toy?"

"If you be super duper good." I offer. She is usually a pretty good kid, she sometimes just has a bit too much attitude and sass, but seeing who her father is, it kind of makes sense. Speaking of him, we don't really talk about him, ever, she knows that he didn't leave her, and that he was a good guy, she pretty much knows everything that she can understand at her age. I'm a bit nervous for when she is older, I really don't want her to think that it was his fault, or that it was my fault and have a hate on me for the rest of her life. I just hope that when she is older I'll be able to tell her everything. Who her dad is, why I did what I did, that she's safe now, and finally, most importantly, if he was still here, her dad would probably, without a doubt, lover her to the moon and back.

"Mummy, mummy!" I snap out of my thoughts to see Lily shaking my arm.

"Oh sorry honey, I'm just a little tired. Are you ready to go?" I apologize to her as I stand up from my chair and make my way over to the sink with our dishes. I give the a quick wash and then make my way over to the coat closet to grab our shoes. I grab her some pink slip on shoes and myself my pair of black converse. I own a small hair salon so walking around on my feet all day I prefer somewhat comfier shoes.

After I left Harry and everything that happened I decided to go to hair school, because I took a cosmetology class when I was in highschool I ended up only having to go for a year, the second year and a half I began to work at a boutique in London where I began to gain clients through doing their hair and makeup up, finally after almost two years there, about a year and a half, I had saved up enough money to start up my own small salon with the help of my good friend Lou. We are still quite small but slowly, we are growing. Of course in those four year I gave birth to my daughter, while I was still going to school. Even though I never get the chance to see her anymore, Anne helped me out immensley, hence where the Anne comes from in Lily's name, the Lily after my own late mother.

Hope. **EDITING**Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant