Chapter 8

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Harry sits down right beside the armrest, pulling me down with him. He instantly wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to him.

"You smell really nice." Harry whispers into my ear.

I blush and give him a quick "thanks, you to." We spend the next couple of hours watching TV. I'm starting to get slightly uncomfortable from sitting too long so I shift a little bit to try and make myself more comfortable. Just as I am beginning to get comfortable again I feel something poke my rib. I jump as Harry laughs. He begins to tickle me so I stand up and try to get away but he grabs me and pushes me backwards onto the couch, tickling me even more. I try to push him off but sadly he is a lot stronger than I am.

"Harry stop." I laugh, pushing his shoulder a bit. All of a sudden he is right on top of me, and super close to me. My throat completely dries out, my stomach twists into knots. I try to speak but all of a sudden it feels as though I don't know how. I think Harry must realize that something is wrong because he is off of me in a flash.

"Hey what's wrong?" He looks sad as he rubs his neck, a look of uncertainty on his face.

I instantly feel regret and sadness wash over me. Why do I always do this. Harry and I, or anybody for that matter, will be having a good time and all of a sudden they do something or I do something that triggers something in me and I freak out on them, ruining everything. I know that it's not really my fault but I always feel as though it is, I wish I could change, I just don't know how to.

"Jade, what's wrong." Harry presses again, taking my hand in his.

"Nothing." I sigh with a shake of my head.

"Jade, we've been through this before, obviously something is wrong," Harry pauses, looking directly into my eyes with a sigh, "I just want to help you."

"I know Harry, and I appreciate that, I really do, it's just really hard for me to talk to anyone about, especially you." I sigh, feeling comfort wash over me as he begins to rub his thumb over my hand. "I just don't want to be responsible for ruining something else."

I feel Harry's gaze on me but I make sure to keep my eyes averted towards the ground. I only look up when I feel something small and wet drop onto my hand. When I look at Harry the first thing I see is his blotchy red eyes. He looks down in embarrassment, I take my hand and slowly reach towards him which causes him to look up, I then use my index finger to wipe away his tears as he lets out a slight laugh.

"It's supposed to be me wiping away your tears." Harry softly laughs with a shake of his head. "But thank you."

"Why are you crying? What's wrong Harry?" I softly ask, trying to hold back tears myself.

"I just don't like to see you hurting, I wish I could help that." He replies honestly.

"And you have." I assure him, placing my hands back in his. "I know you might not realize it but you have, more than anyone else in the world, really." I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder. He slowly moves his arm towards me, I know he is struggling to see if I will flip out at him for touching me so I take his arm and wrap it around my waist to show him that it's okay. After sitting in silence for a few minutes we both decide that we should go get ready to go out for dinner.

I walk into the bedroom where Harry assures me that he put some dresses and shoes that he bought for me. I walk over to my bag and am confused where there isn't any dresses other than more casual ones. I am about to pick out one of the sundresses when a beautiful white bag with gold tissue paper, beside it is two boxes, a medium sized black one and a smaller blue velvet one. I take the tissue paper out of the bag to reveal a beautiful red dress, I slowly put the dress on and stare at my reflection in awe. The dress reaches just above my knee, it is a red lace pattern that is tight on the tight but slowly flares out towards the bottom. I walk back to the bed and open the black box, taking out a pair of black pumps. Finally, my hand shaking I open the last box to reveal a pair of small, gold hoop earrings and a gold necklace with a single pearl. I quickly put everything on and apply a small amount of makeup, leaving my hair in it's natural wave. I slowly look at my reflection to take in everything with the dress and am shocked at what I see, i could never have imagined wearing something like this, or actually feeling this way. I feel beautiful, even happy that I am who I am for one of the first times in my life. If only my mother could see me now, she would be proud, I know she would. I sigh, pushing my hair out of my face and make my way over to Harry. When I step out of the room he is adjusting his tie. When he turns around he immediately walks over to me and smiles.

Hope. **EDITING**Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora