Chapter 15

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I wake up abruptly to the blaring sound of my alarm clock. I feel totally drained and almost think about just staying in bed and ignoring the world but decide otherwise when I hear the beep of my phone. I roll over and pick it up off the nightstand, smiling to myself as I read the text.

Harry: Good morning beautiful. Have a great day at work and I'll see you when I get home :*

I laugh to myself at how much of a cheeseball he is. With a long sigh, I get out of bed and have a quick shower. When I get out I walk over to the dresser to pick out my outfit for the day, deciding on a plain black v-neck t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and a simple brown belt. After I'm done getting dressed I make my way into the kitchen where I make myself some toast with nutella that Harry bought just before he left. Once I am finally done getting ready I grab a coat, slip on my black converse, and make my way outside for the day. After about a ten minute drive I reach the cafe. My day goes by quite fast as we were fairly busy in the morning. Around ten thirty another girl, Amanda, shows up for her shift at eleven. Once eleven O'clock rolls around Sue dismisses me, handing me my schedule and telling me to have a great day. When I make my way outside, just before I get into my car I hear a loud shattering noise coming from the side of the building that's facing the alley way. Every gut and instinct in my body tells me that I shouldn't go look, but of course, me being my usual not so smart self, I decide to check it out anyway. I close my car door and make my way around the building. I literally stop in my tracks and let out a loud gasp when I see the person standing in front of me.

"Richard?" I ask in shock and disbelief.

"Hey sweetie." The smile he gives me literally makes my stomach churn. "Thought I'd come pay you a visit."

"You shouldn't be here! Why aren't you locked up?" I cry in disbelief, still frozen to the same spot.

"Meh." He shrugs. "Didn't really feel like spending time in that fucking dump." He laughs a nasty laugh while taking a step towards me. "Also somehow I was able to convince those fuckin' airheads that your mums death was suicide. They really are pretty stupid hey."

"How! You're sick Richard, you really disgust me, you know that." I snap in disgust, genuinely ready to vomit just at the sight of him. "How did you even find me?!"

"Wasn't hard, heard one of my goons had a run in with some bitch that looked like you, have to say I didn't believe him at first, said you were hanging with some famous bitch or whatever. Anyway, he saw some picture of you in London and showed it to me, I had someone track you two on your way back from London and figured I'd surprise you with my presence instead of sending some other guy." He shrugs it all off, acting as though it's no big deal before letting out another disgusting laugh.

"Why are you really here?!" I demand, knowing he definitely didn't come to just pay me a visit. "You gonna kill me?"

"Huh, no, not you." He shakes his head with an evil smirk. "But maybe that clown you've been hanging with if you don't play your cards right."

"Harry!" I scream. "You can't hurt him, take me if that's what you want, just please, leave him out of this." I turn to run away, hoping that he is still okay.

"Calm down, I haven't hurt him. Not yet anyway, I want you to listen to me and then I'll leave him alone."

"What do you want, I'll do anything to stop you from hurting him." I cry, not really thinking that me saying anything to Richard really could mean anything.

"Well, to cut to the point, I hate seeing you happy, I really do. So, just for something new and exciting, I want you to leave this Harry kid and never come back. You do that, maybe I'll back off of you. However, you don't comply with the rules and it's the chopping block for him."

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