Chapter 9

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"Harry slow down!" I snap when I notice that he is at least 10 km over the speed limit. He apologizes as he lets the car slow down a bit.

"I just don't really want to be late, sorry." He apologizes once more, his eyes worryingly glancing from the road, to the clock, and back to the road over and over again. "I made reservations and I really don't want to miss them, I mean, we still have half an hour but they recommend you being there at least 20 mins away and the place is still 15 mins away and -"

"Harry it's okay, so what, we show up fifteen minutes early instead of twenty." I cut him off, trying to stifle back a laugh. I have to admit that him being worried, however annoying, is still kinda cute.

"Yeah, yeah I guess you're right." He nods his head. I look over at him to give him a polite smile when his eyes open extremely wide.

"You're not afraid of heights by any chance... are you?" He nervously asks.

"Not really no," I shake my head to clarify my point of no, "Why do you ask?"

"Uh, no reason." He trails off.

"Okay?" I say out loud, half hoping that he will clarify why he was asking.

However he chooses to be silent instead. After a while I hear a humming noise. It seems to be getting louder the farther we travel down the road. Eventually we come up to a building where Harry parks his car.

"YOU MIGHT WANT TO COVER YOUR EARS!" Harry yells at me before opening his door, the loud humming noise becoming more powerful than it already was.

I open my door, my hands instantly coming up to cover my ears. "Where are we?" I loudly ask.

"WHAT?" Harry yells back, nodding his head towards the building.

"I SAID, WHERE ARE WE. ALSO WHY IS IT SO LOUD?" I yell back as I begin walking to the building. I open up the glass door, quickly rushing in, yet still being sure to hold it open from Harry.

"You'll find out soon enough." Harry stubbornly answers my previous question.

I roll my eyes, honestly not surprised by his answer.

"Ah Mr. Styles, we were wondering when you would arrive." A man and lady, about 30 or 40 I would say, walk out of a room and over to us. "So you must be Jade?"

"Yeah I am, it's nice to meet you." I politely smile at the two strangers.

"Same to you." They both smile, politely taking turns to shake my hand.

"So, will this be her first time?" The man asks Harry.

My first time for what? A small jitter begins to take over my stomach as I feel slightly sick.

"Yeah I believe so." Harry nods, looking at me in a quizzical way.

"Okay well in that case," The lady turns to me with a smile, "remember to keep your seatbelt on and hands in the helicopter at all times, if you begin to feel nervous at any time please feel free to notify myself or Dave. Now both of you take these and keep them on, I just need you both to sign these forms and I think we will be ready to go."

Before I can even think about what is happening I quickly sign the form, put the earmuffs on and take Harry's hand in mine, following him outside.

"NOW WATCH YOUR STEP!" Dave yells at us both, himself and Harry helping me into the helicopter.

After Harry gets in Dave slams the door shut. Almost out of nowhere this feeling of adrenaline rushes through my body.

"So I know how you said that you wanted to see London and I figured, what better way to capture the beauty of London than to take a night time helicopter ride around the city." Harry smiles over at me, squeezing my hand reassuringly.

"Harry I don't know what to say." I smile as a tear runs down my face. "Thank you."

"Hey you okay?" He asks when he notices the tear. He takes his thumb and gently wipes it away.

"Yeah definitely, I'm just really happy right now, don't worry about me, this is a happy cry, I'm better than okay"

"Well then I'm happy too." Harry wraps his arm around me and places the gentlest kiss on my forehead.

My heart beat instantly speeds up, my hands begin to sweat and I become hot. However, unlike usual, this is more of a happy feeling, not nervous or scared. Harry makes me feel nervous and terrified quite frankly, but it's a feeling that I have come to like, at least around him. When I am with Harry I feel happier and free, like all of my problems have just magically disappeared. But then something always happens and I'm reminded that no matter what, my problems will always be there, there is absolutely no way from them to go away. No matter how hard I try.

Harry takes his arm off from around me, placing it at his side. I slowly unsurely bring my hand over to his, interlacing our fingers, just so I can get the tiniest bit of his touch that I so desperately crave. I feel his eyes on me, probably smiling, but for the longest time I don't let my gaze meet his, making sure to keep my eyes on the view of London just below me.

"Jade?" Harry softly says, giving my hand a tight squeeze.

"Yeah?" I reply even softer, still keeping my gaze outside.

"Why don't you ever look at me?" He asks, his gaze burning into my side.

Because I'm scared. Scared of what could happen if I do. "I look at you, like all the time." I argue anyway, scared to tell him the truth.

"Not when I'm doing something nice or affectionate." He argues back. "Not even when you're the one who grabs my hand," He pauses, taking in a deep breath. He places his finger under my chin, turning my head to face him, I still keep my gaze shifted towards the ground. "Even now you won't look at me. I just want to know why? Is it something I've done?"

I finally, slowly, but finally, shift my gaze upward to his eyes. I see the sadness in them, I see the kindness, and I see something I'm afraid of, something I haven't seen in a long time. I try to turn away but Harry keeps my head still. When he realizes that I've stopped resisting his hands become a lot more gentle. He whispers a please, and surprisingly, I slowly nod. Harry slowly moves towards me, tilting his head slightly. I close my eyes as I feel something soft and wet come in contact with my own lips. I hesitate for a second but I eventually kiss him back. The kiss doesn't last too long, but it was long enough for me, in those few seconds I realized how different it was than with anyone else, and for once, I truly felt okay, and I knew that no matter what, Harry wouldn't hurt me.

I lay my head on Harry's shoulder. He grabs a hold of my hand and the both of us sit in a comfortable silence, the only noise being the humming of the helicopter blade. I swallow and a hard lump forms in my throat. I give Harry's hand a squeeze as a lone tear rolls down my cheek, falling onto his lap.

"Thank you for everything." I say in a voice so quiet it's barely even a whisper.

"No, thank you." He shakes his head, his managing to hit my nose which causes me to let out a sneeze.

"For what?" I slightly laugh after excusing myself.

"For giving me the chance to have a normal life. I don't really get to that often but it's different with you. So thank you." He replies, turning his head slightly to lay his on top of mine.

"What do you mean a normal life?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Later, okay?" He gives me a reassuring squeeze.

I sigh and reply with an okay but only because I don't want to ruin this time together. To be quite honest though I really am getting tired of all the secrets. I just want answers as to why Harry is acting and saying such weird things. I know I'm not one to talk, but still, it would be nice to have an explanation.

Before I know it we have landed back at the helicopter pad and are making our way back to the hotel. 

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