Chapter 16

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"Morning" Harry sleepily smiles at me, the morning sunning peaking through the curtains hits him perfectly.

"Good morning." I smile back at him. "How are you?"

"I'm good," he laughs, his morning voice making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. "Even better now that I'm home. And how are you Jade?"

I smile over at him, rolling over to face the other direction and grab one of his large t-shirts, throwing it on over my head. "I'm pretty great Harry. Also I'm really tired and hungry so I'm going to grab some coffee and food." I let out a yawn as I slowly crawl out of bed.

"No... cuddle with me. Please." Harry tries to give me his best pout while reaching his hand out to me, but I just let out a small laugh as I continue to make my way out of bed. I open my dresser drawer and grab out a fresh pair of underwear, quickly slipping them on.

Looking out of the corner of my eye I see Harry pouting, yet his eyes fixated on me, his stare intense.

I smile to myself as I make my way into the kitchen to grab some toast and coffee. Normally I'm more of a tea person than a coffee person, but every once in awhile I do need that boost of energy. I grab some raspberry jam out of the fridge just as the bread, or toast, pops out of the toaster. I grab some raspberry jam from the fridge and quickly put it on my toast. I then walk over to the counter and open it, attempting to grab the coffee from the top shelf. I struggle to reach it, even when standing on my top toes. I sigh, ready to just pull up a chair for the added height, however, I jump when Harry walks up, right behind me and reaches up to the shelf, easily passing me the coffee grounds.

"Thanks." I say as I grab a coffee filter, place into the coffee pot, and begin to shovel new coffee grounds into it.

"Mhm." Harry gums as his fingers lightly graze the back of my neck, slowly moving my hair to the side. I try to keep calm and continue doing what I was doing. I shiver shoots down my spine as his lips lightly graze the sensitive skin behind my ear.

"How do you manage to drive me so crazy no matter what the time of day is." Harry whispers as he slowly moves the loosely fitted t-shirt over, exposing the skin on my shoulder. He places a few kisses, his lips trailing from shoulder to my neck and back down. He lift his head up again, softly sucking on the sensitive area of my neck. I think if he keeps doing this he is literally going to drive me insane.

"Harry." I accidentally let out a soft moan as he blows a soft, cool breath on the now wet spot. Harry slowly turns me around, placing a soft gentle kiss on my lips.

"I should probably go get dressed while you finish eating, we need to leave if we want to go to this Christmas market soon." Harry says, a teasing smirk on his face as he makes his way into the bedroom to get dressed, leaving me standing there, my mouth wide open, and completely craving more.

I grab my now freshly brewed coffee and somewhat cold toast, and make my way over to the kitchen table. I begin to eat my food as Harry comes out of the bedroom in a plain black, somewhat tightly fitted t-shirt and black jeans on.  "Oh hey by the way. That's a good look. You should wear it more often." He winks before once again disappearing into the bedroom.

I look down and blush when I realize that all I'm wearing is a pair of black underwear and one of his dark grey t-shirts that barely covers my rear end. Clearly I wasn't fully awake when I was getting dressed this morning.

After I'm done eating and drinking my coffee I decide to quickly have a shower while Harry's off doing... whatever it is he's doing. I hop into the shower and sigh in relief as the warm water gently hits my skin. I grab the coconut scented shampoo and quickly was my hair, making sure to apply conditioner after. Once I'm done that I decide to quickly shave my legs and armpits, finally grabbing my rose scented body wash and washing my body. Once I'm done I'm the shower I make my way to what has become Harry and I's room to get dressed. I decide on a somewhat tight fitting cream colored long sleeve shirt with a pair of blue jeans that have rips in the knees and some black ankle boots. I quickly blow dry my hair and give it a brush, deciding to keep it in its natural wavy state. I grab a white toque from my drawer, one that Harry bought me, and in my opinion, is pretty great because it has a fuzzy cream colored pom Pom. I make my way out into the living room where I see Harry sitting at the couch reading how to kill a mocking bird, shoot, I forgot to put that back.

Hope. **EDITING**Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora