Chapter 18

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Hey, I think this is possibly my first authors note for this book.

Basically I'm not sure what happened but I accidentally published chapter 18 before 17 so it might be a little weird?

Idk. But thanks for reading:)

"No Harry stop." I laugh at his horrible decorating skills. "That looks terrible there."

"Wow. I'm hurt." Harry feigns sadness as he places his hand over his heart.

"Awe I'm sorry. Did I hurt little Harry's feelings." I jokingly ask as I place a silver ball on our so far beautifully decorated tree.

"Nah it's okay, my mum wouldn't let me help her sometimes too." Harry laughs while shrugging it off.

"You know what you could do though?" I smile at him hoping that he'll take me up on my suggestion.

"What's that?" He asks while popping a ginger snap that I made this morning into his mouth.

"You could set up the Christmas village. However you like, and I won't even say anything." I offer lightheartedly.

"You know what, I think I'm going to take you up on that offer." He walks over to where we placed most of our bags yesterday and begins to rummage through them until he has pulled out every little tree, bench, and building that we bought yesterday.  "Do you care where I set it up?" He asks while eyeing a white medium sized table that he has sort of in front of the entrance way.

"Wherever you want is fine." I shrug actually hoping that he'll pick that table.

"Cool." He nods as we walks over to the table and begins to place the building on it, moving them to different spots over and over again until he is finally content with the way it looks. After I place the last ornament on the tree I take a step back to admire it.

"It looks beautiful Jade." Harry smiles as comes over to me and places his arm around my waist.

I'm about to thank him and make a joke about how even his side of the tree looks nice when out of nowhere I begin to feel extremely nauseous. I quickly run to the bathroom where I empty out all my stomach contents, only seconds after I hit the floor in front of the toilet. Harry walks into the bathroom and holds my hair back for me.  Once I sit back up I quickly brush my teeth as I Harry holds out a glass of water for me.

"Are you feeling okay?" Harry asks, his eyebrows knit together in concern.

"Yeah I'm okay. That was really weird, I was fine and then all of a sudden it just hit me. That happened the other day too." I say as my own eyebrows crease together in confusion.

"Maybe you're just getting the flu?" Harry suggests. I nod in agreement as I make my way into the kitchen.

"Yeah probably." I agree. I walk over to the cupboard and pull out a recipe book.  "You up for making cookies?"

"Yeah for sure. How about gingerbread cookies, and then we can decorate the little gingerbread men." Harry excitedly asks.

"Yeah sure." I nod as I flip open the book and begin to scan the table of contents for the gingerbread recipe.

I quickly whip up the batter and then Harry and I cut out the shapes of the gingerbread men and women before throwing the tray into the oven.

"Oh I talked to your mum by the way." I pipe up as I take a seat at the kitchen island, Harry taking a seat beside me. He turns his focus towards me so I continue to talk. "She says that she is definitely in and Gemma happened to be there to so I was able to ask your mum to talk to her, anyways long story short they are both Coming and will be here from the 22nd to the 26th, if you're okay with that?"

"Yeah that works perfectly for me. I'm excited to see them again." Harry smiles with a nod. His phone gives off a ding so he looks at it, quickly reads the text, and then gives me a smile.

"That was Liam just confirming that he's coming." He explains.

"So that's all of them then?" I ask Harry, just to be sure.

"Yep. So for dinner should we just make a turkey and some mashed potatoes and carrots, that type of stuff?" He asks, obviously unsure of what to buy.

"Yeah, and on the morning of the twenty third we could make some eggs Benedict, if you like?" I suggest, slowly getting more and more excited with our plan.

"Yeah of course, I think that's a great idea." He nods. His phone begins to buzz like crazy and he explains to me that it's just his four best friends asking him a ton of questions regarding if they need to bring anything or not. He goes back to texting his friends as I make my way into the living room to grab a book. I randomly select one off the shelf, smiling when I realize that it's Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone, I haven't read this series in a really long time. I make my way back into the kitchen to read it at the table, partially so I can keep an eye on my timer and the cookies easier but also mostly just because I like to be near Harry.  I settle down with the book after making myself a peppermint tea. I get so lost into the book that I barely hear the timer go off, letting me know that my cookies are done. After it goes off a second time I quickly jump up, at the same exact time that Harry does, this makes me let out a small giggle for some reason which cause Harry to let out a bit of a laugh.

"Sorry I don't know why I'm laughing, that wasn't even funny." I laugh as he opens the door to the oven and pulls out the cookie tray after putting in an oven mit.

"Nah it's okay, you never have to apologize for laughing." Harry assures me with a smile.  "Can we decorate them now?"

"Thanks. And no, we have to give them a couple of minutes to cool off or the icing will just melt right off." I shake my head as I grab out a clean bowl from the cupboard. "I have to make the icing still anyways so if we wait a couple minutes after I'm done making it they should be fine." I explain as I grab the icing sugar form out of the pantry.

I whip up all the ingredients and then give one of the beaters to a very cheerful Harry. "You know Harry," I begin to speak, pausing to make sure that he is listening to me. "Sometimes you remind me of a five year old" I jokingly tease him as he gives me a pout.

"Why, because I'm so cute and hard to resist?" He smugly asks.

"No," I shake my head at him. "Because your so annoying and easy to resist." I jokingly add the last part.

"Ha ha ha." He fake laughs as he eats up to place the beater in the sink. He pauses to stare at the mess we've created before shrugging and turning to me.

"I wash,you dry?" He suggest with a smile.

"Yeah sure." I nod in agreement.

Together we begin to wash, dry, and put away the dishes. "Happy December first by the way." He states as he hands me a clean bowl.

"Thanks, same to you." I smile as I dry the dish and put it away.

Shit, December first. Which means I now have exactly thirty days to form some kind of plan that allows Harry and myself to be able to stay together. I think I know in the bottom of my heart that if were meant to be I'll find a way, I'm just finding it really hard right now. Especially considering I don't even know how to contact Richard. For once I am actually hoping that he does contact me so that I can hopefully get ahold of his phone number. After Harry and I are done with the dishes we make our way to the table to start decorating our gingerbread people. Most of the rest of the afternoon is filled with Harry purposely messing up my designs and laughing about it. We continue making cookies and decorating well into the night. Both of us eventually passing out from exhaustion on the couch.

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