Chapter 19

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"Hey Jade, are you sure you're okay hun?" Sue asks as she walks over to me, passing me a cup of water.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've been feeling this way for a couple days now but it usually passes within a few hours." I shake my head, running my hand through my hair. I stretch out my arms and grab the glass of water from her, taking a sip and letting the cool drink hit the back of my throat. "Thanks."

She watches me for a few minutes as I put my hair back into a ponytail, trying to prepare myself for going back out to work. "You know, we haven't been very busy today and Anna should be here in about an hour or so, maybe you should go home, relax and see how you're feeling tomorrow." She suggests.

"Are you sure?" I ask, I definitely don't feel very great at all, a bit clammy, tired, and faint, but I also don't want to leave my work if they still need help.

"Yes of course," She nods, "You clearly have the flu or something, you need rest, I'm sure we'll be fine here."

I thank her and begin to collect my things, then making my way out to my car. I notice a pharmacy across the street so I decide to stop to pick up some things for myself. Harry isn't home right now and I'm not entirely sure where he keeps everything yet. Usually if I'm sick he tends to get everything for me. I enter the store and make my way down the aisle that I believe the medication should be. I grab some advil, along with some other things, and begin to make my way over to the checkout. I stop in my tracks when something falls off the shelf right past my face. I bend down to pick it up, rolling it around to see that it is a pregnancy test. I wonder? I think to myself as I continue to stare at the package.

" Oh I'm so sorry ma'am." I young girl wearing a dark blue polo shirt and nametag says, interrupting me from my internal debate. "I was stocking shelves and accidentally pushed it over. I can just take it from you and put it back. Sorry." She rambles as she awkwardly stands in front of me, constantly shifting her weight from one leg to the other.

"Um it's okay." I pause to look up at her and offer her a polite smile before looking back down at the package. "Actually, you know what? I'm just going to buy this actually." I say before quickly grabbing two more off the shelf.

I don't think I'm pregnant, I can't be, but just in case. I quickly make my way over to the cashier and purchase all of my things, then hurrying out to the store and across the road to my car. If I'm pregnant I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. For one, I don't if Harry or I are ready to be parents just yet, second, if Richard is still trying to hurt me, that would just add to it all. I wish I still had my mom, or at least close relatives or family that I could talk to this about. When I eventually reach the house the first thing I do is make my way into the bathroom, partially to just get this over and done with, but also partially because I don't want Harry to see the results, or that I'm even doing this in the first place. After I'm done doing everything the instructions told me to do, I set the stick on the counter and make my way into the kitchen to make myself some tea. I walk over to the cabinet and pull out my peppermint tea bags, and then grab the kettle and place it on the stove to boil water. I debate about going to check it, but decide against it until after I've made my tea. Once the water is done boiling I pour it into my cup to let the tea brew. I then proceed to make my way to the bathroom to check the results.  I take a big breath, exhale slowly, and then look down at the tests. "No way." I silently gasp to myself in shock. All three of the tests indicate positive. How am I supposed to protect Harry now. If Richard finds out about this, he'll be sure to threaten me with something more. Now there is no way I can do this. I jump as I hear the front door open and slam shut. I quickly throw the tests in the toilet on instinct, praying that they actually flush down the toilet.

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