Chapter One

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Okay so this is a new story I've been working on for a while. Let me know what you think!

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"I win! You lose!" my best friend Kirra sang as we made our way out to the crowded courtyard for lunch.

"I never pegged you as the gloating type, Kir!" I mused--she's had a huge grin plastered to her face since History last period.

"I can't help it, this is the first time I have ever won a bet against you." she sighed happily

"That's true!" I agreed

Kirra and I always had some type of bet going between us. It usually had something to so with sports, whether it be for school or some kind of professional sport. But this last time we decided to switch it up a bit. Our latest bet was to see how long the school player would last with his most recent girl toy. My guess was three days since his last one barely lasted four and Kirra guessed a week--she was right. Today was the week mark and the news made it to us while we were sitting in our History class just before lunch. 

Of course Mr. Player himself--Kale Pierce--is also in that class so Kirra had to contain her excitement about winning the bet until the bell rang and now she just would not stop.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!" she cheered twirling around.

"Calm yourself woman!" I stated trying to contain my laughter

"Okay!" she shrugged taking a seat next to me.

"So, what's my punishment?" I asked

"Hmmmm, let's see....." she began with a thoughtful look on her face "Aha, I got it!" she squealed

"Let's hear it."

"You have to make the impossible, possible." she shrugged

"Annnd what would that be?" I asked confused

"You have to make someone fall in love with you, but, you only have until Senior Prom to do it."

"How is that impossible?" I questioned

"Because, the person you have to get to fall for you is none other then Mr. Bad Boy Player himself, Kale Pierce!"

"Are you serious?" 

Of all the people she could have chosen, it just had to be him, didn't it. Well she was right about one thing--it is most definitely impossible. 

"As a heart attack!" she nodded

"So that gives me six months...." I whispered letting the sentence trail off.

"That should be long enough, I mean hello, you're Kacyn Freaking Walton. The one all girls envy and the star in every guys wet dream." 

"Kir, that's just disturbing!" I shuddered--I did not want to know about a guys wet dreams especially if they had to do with me.

I may not be the most innocent girl but I like to keep the nastiness to a minimum.

"That may be so but, it doesn't make it any less true."

"Ok, whatever!" I sighed "So, I have six months to get Kale to fall for me, right?"

"Yup!" she stated popping the p

"What if I can't?" I asked

"Then we all know once and for all that Kale is as heartless as he portrays." she shrugged

"Well this isn't going to be hard at all."  I scoffed

"Is that sarcasm I hear?" 

"Noooo, of course not!" I replied rolling my eyes

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