Chapter Eight

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Okay so this is the rest of their date...what is going to happen with them on and find out lmao....


As dinner went on there wasn't much talking. It was nice. Sitting here with Kale, having dinner at my favorite restaurant it was almost like old times--Almost! There would always be a part of me that would wish that things had never changed between the two of us. It would always be wishful thinking though. Neither of us could go back and change the past. If given the chance I think I would try. 

"So what do you want to do now?" he asked as we made our way back to his car after dinner.

"It's still early, how about we hit the club?" I asked

"Sounds like fun." he nodded

I wasn't exactly dressed to go clubbing but that was fine with me. I wasn't about to have Kale take me home just so I could change into the something club worthy. We pulled up to our usual spot, where the guys who worked the door couldn't tell the difference between the fake ID or a real one. Kale placed his hand on the small of my back as he led me into the packed club. Was it just me or did it feel right to have his hand there. 

"Would you like a drink?" he asked; I nodded and let him lead me to the bar. He gestured to the bartender for two beers. 

We stood leaning on the bar just watching everyone have their fun. After 10 minutes of nursing my beer and letting it get warm, I swallowed it back when I saw a familiar face in the crowd smirking at me. I smirked back and placed my empty bottle on the bar top.

"I'll be right back." I said to Kale and made my way through to my friend Liam. "Hey handsome!" I smiled

"Hey, yourself!" he winked "What are you doing here? And who is that fine piece of meat you're with?"

I laughed; of course he would think Kale is hot--after all he's gay. "I'm on a date and that's him." I replied

"Did I just hear you right? I know it's loud in here, but did you say you were on a date?"

"Yep!" I said popping the 'p'

"Since when do you do bets?" Liam asked

"Since I lost a bet with Kirra." I replied

"You lost a bet too!" he exclaimed "What the hell is going on. I don't get how the whole dating thing fits into losing a bet."

"Well, because I lost, I have to make that guy fall in love with me." I said

"That shouldn't be hard for you Sin." he said

"It is actually, you see, that's Kale."

"As in the Kale.? The Kale who you used to be best friends with? The Kale who is a major player at your school?" he asked in a rush

"Yes, to all!" I nodded

I knew what he was thinking; this was just crazy. I had known Liam for almost four years now and he had become the best guy friend ever. He had some how taken over the role that Kale had left. Though no one would ever truly fill it. What Kale and I had back then isn't something anyone would ever compare to. 

"From the look he's giving me right now, I'd say it won't be long before you have him eating out of the palm of your hand." he said

"What look?" I asked as I began to turn around

"No, don't look." he said grabbing my shoulders "Now, play along." he said

"What----" I began but was cut off by his lips crashing against mine. 

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