Chapter Nine

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The next few weeks flew by. Halloween came and went with a lot of parties. I swear I had to buy at least five costumes for Halloween because of all the parties I had been invited to. Kale had a blast tagging along with Kirra, B and I while us girls did our shopping. The two boy probably had more fun than us girls. While they got to sit back and watch we had to stress through what we were going to wear. No one ever wants to wear the same thing as someone else; Kirra and I were no different. 

Over the last few weeks Kale and I had went out a few more times. Most of the time we did the usual, dinner and movies. On our last date though Kale decided to switch it up a bit buy having a picnic on the beach during the sun set. That was my favorite by far.  I was starting to get used to having his around as much as he has been lately. There were still rumors flying around but they no longer bothered me. What was high school without a bit of gossip?

Thanksgiving was nearing and I really didn't care all that much for it. Yeah, I loved the food but not the whole getting-the-family-together thing. My family was a bit on the off side. My aunts and uncles were hard asses with their noses for high up it was ridiculous and my cousins....well they were just plain annoying. I really hated having all my family together. The only up side to this was my grandparents. They were the best.

"Honey!" my mom called out to me. It was strange to have other people in the house beside myself. 

"Yeah mom?" I called back sticking my head out of my door.

"Can you come down here a minute." 

I skipped down the stairs in nothing more than a pair of cotton pajama bottoms and a singlet.

"Yeah?" I asked walking into the kitchen 

"I know Thanksgiving is tomorrow but I need you to run down to the store and pick up a few things. We'll be having more guest than I anticipated." she said 

"Sure." I shrugged "Who else is coming?" I asked

Normally it would just be my mothers family since my dad was an only child so that would be my grandparents on both sides, My moms brother Michael, his wife Samantha, their kids Cory, Sammie and Kara. Her sister Carol, husband Ben and their daughter Sutton. I swear Sutton was the devils spawn. She has been a pain in my ass since she could talk. She was worse than Mila and that's saying something. 

"Kale and his parents will be joining us." she answered

"I thought they were joining us during our Christmas vacation, not Thanksgiving."

"Oh they're doing that too. But I thought it would be a nice change this year for have them over." she shrugged

"Well that's nice." I said "What do you need me to pick up from the store?"

"We're going to need another ham, some yams, pie and cranberry sauce." she listed

"Okay, I'll go get them. See you later." I said as I walked back to my room to change.

As I was getting my clothes together I looked over and saw Kale waving to get my attention. I walked out onto my balcony.

"You do know that you could use a phone instead of standing out here waving at me like a crazy person." I said

"I know, but it's so much more fun this way." he shrugged

"The things that amuse you are weird." I said shaking my head "So, what do you want? I have places to be."

"We're coming over for Thanksgiving." he smiled

"Yes, I know. My mom just told me." I nodded

"Are you excited?" he asked

Bet's, Lies & Broken Hearts (On Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin