Chapter Eleven

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"I can't believe you punched Sutton!" Kirra laughed the following week at school "Wait, actually can believe it."

"The bitch deserved it!" I shrugged "Her fast mouth, I can handle. The fact that she threw red wine at me and ruined my dress, now that I could not handle." it's one thing to run your mouth but when you mess with my clothes you better watch out.

"I wish I was there to see that." she said trying to reign in her laughter, which by the way was not working "God, it would've been amazing to see the look on her face."

"It's safe to say, it was priceless." I grinned "And boy did it feel good. I have been waiting for the day my whole life."

"Oh, I know you were. Better late then never though." she said 

"Very true!" I nodded

It was lunch and Kirra and I were sitting at our usual table minus the boys today. They were off playing a basketball with the guys and I was glad they weren't here right now. Kirra and I need some girl time. Ever since Kale and I started dating Kirra and I haven't been hanging out much just the two of us. The fact that I now used Kale and dating in the same sentence was still weird for me but I was slowly getting used to it. If some one would've told me a few months ago that I'd be dating Kale now I would've out right laughed, told them they were bat shit crazy and laughed some more. 

"Ugh!" Kirra groaned out of no where successfully stopping her laughter

"What?" I asked confused by her sudden mood change

"I forgot we have finals coming up next week." she sighed

"Ugh!" I groaned copying her I also forgot about that "I hate finals week."

"Everyone does even the crazy geinious' we have in this school." she said

"I don't know why they get all nervous, everyone knows they'll pass with flying colors."

"I'm gonna be pulling a few all nighters studying. I hate studying!" she said

"That makes two of us." I agreed

The bell rang for the end of lunch, Kirra and I packed up and walked back into school. I was going to make the best of this week, cause come next week I'll be busting my ass studying for finals. When hell week was over we'd be free from school for two weeks. I'd be catching up on some much needed R&R, soaking up the sun on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii. This vacation was going to be awesome. The thought of Christmas vacation brough to mind that I hadn't done any gift shopping. Eh, I'll just pick up some things while I was in Hawaii.

The remainder of my classes were such a bore. Guess the teachers were giving us all a break since hell week was right around the corner. Why the heck did we have to have finals twice a year? Damn school no doubt wanted to torture us and make us suffer. One final a year obviously was just not enough.

School came to an end and I only had homework for one class--Math. Math was my own personal hell. I don't even know how I was placed in Calculus. It was the most horrible class ever. How was I passing when it was my worst class? Hell if I know. 

I locked myself up in my room when I got home and began to slave over my Calculus book. I really hate that damned class. I had my ear phones in my ear blasting my music from my iPod while I tried to do my homework. My math teacher was cruel to give us homework. None of the other teacher did. To say I was pouting like a child right now would be an understatement. Movement from my left caught my eye. I looked over and Kale was leaning against my balcony door with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes at him and got back to work.

He pulled my ear phones out and kissed my cheek. "Homework?" 

"Calculus." I nodded

"Bummer." he said and laid next to me on my bed "Need help?"

"Why, you wanna do it for me?" I asked glancing at him from the corner of my eye

"I asked if you needed help, I didn't say I'd do it for you." he chuckled

I just stuck my tongue at him and went back to work. He laid there playing with my hair as I tried to concentrate on my work. It was not an easy task when he was doing what he was doing. I swear only Kale had the power to make me loose every coherent thought I had. I kept swatting his hands away and I soon as I got back into my math mode he's start all over again.

"If you keep bothering me I will kick you out of my house." I said

"No you wont, you like me here." he said 

"I would like you a whole lot better if you left me alone while I finished this." I said pointing to my book.

"Why don't you take a break?" he asked leaning up on his elbow to look down at me.

"If I don't do it now, I wont finish it later." I answered

"How did you get into Calculus? You hate math." 

"I've been asking myself that same question."

For the next hour I struggled through my math homework. Kale only helped when I asked for it which wasn't very often, hence why I took so damn long finishing up. I slammed my text book close and pushed off my bed.

"Done!" I sighed 

"Come on, let's get out of here." Kale said pulling me off the bed

"What? It's almost dinner, where are we going?" I asked stumbling after him as he pulled me down the stairs.

"We are going for a ride. Where are the keys to your bike?" he asked

"Why?" I asked 

"Like I said, we're going for a ride. Now where are the key?" 

"Second hook." I replied pointing to all the keys that were lined up next to the front door.

He pulled them off and stepped out of the house with me in tow. He obviously couldn't wait for me to climb on the bike myself since he picked me up and placed me on the rear seat and climbed on in front of me. I had never rode on the bike of a bike before, least of all mine. My arms wound around Kale's torso as the bike roared to life. Not a moment later we were speeding off down the road. I closed my eyes placing my cheek against Kale's back. There was only one word that come to mind to describe this moment: Perfect!

Kale drove for a while till he stopped at the beach we had came to on Thanksgiving. He climbed off the bike first than helped me off. Hand-in-hand we walked down to the sand. The sun would be setting soon and I couldn't wait to see it. I hadn't watched the sunset in a while, it had be even longer since I saw one at the beach. Kale sat in the sand and pulled me to sit between his legs with my back resting against his chest. 

"In about two weeks we'll be watching a sunset in Hawaii." he whispered resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I hear they are the best ones." I said

"So have I!" he said as the sun dropped lower on the horizon.

"Why me?" I asked "Why are you with me instead of all the other girls you could be with right now?"

"It's always been you Kacyn." he answered "It's always going to be you."

I wished I could believe his words. In a way I knew I could, but, in the back of my mind I knew I shouldn't. I player doesn't change his ways. Though Kale hadn't been with any other girl since he and I had started dating there was always the 'What if's' floating around out there. But, for right now I would believe what he said. I would believe that it would always be me. The next four months would fly by just like these last two did and when the deadline came I know for sure if was he said was really true.


I know it's short and I'm sorry!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2012 ⏰

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