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Her eyes danced across the endless aisles of food, chocolate orbs practically vibrating in excitement. She didn't know what to choose first, what she wanted most, or if she could take it all but this small moment in her endless time brought her the upmost joy. It was the little things she's come to value now in her immortal life. Her solitude was one of the most valuable things to her, for instance now standing in the aisle of food already knowing her choice but acting as human as possible and taking her time.

Instead of just grabbing the bag she stood, balanced on the balls of her feet and listened to the outside world. Her ears took in the sounds of a mother three aisles down humming to her newborn who slept soundlessly, the worker across the store cursing himself for forgetting to bring his lunch, or the patter of feet that crept closer to where she stood, she valued the noise now more then ever. It made her feel more human, attached to the earth.

"Vi? It's Vi right?" A soft feminine voice spoke her way, her dark brown hair whipping around her oval face as she turned slowly to the girl.

A smile danced across her lips when she caught site of a girl with small glasses, high pony tail, large hoodie, and black leggings. Her perfect memory instantly placing her back at the reception of Bella and Edwards wedding, "Angela right? I snuck you a vodka soda when your dad was turned around?"

Said girl smiled, pushing her glasses up her small nose and a deep blush crossed her cheeks at Violets bold statement. She giggled softly, nodding her head as the pony tail jumped with her. "Yeah, that's me. Thanks for that by the way."

Violet shrugged casually, stepping closer to the girl as she noted the meat and vegetables in the girls basket. "So, how have you been? It's been what? Two weeks since the wedding?"

Angela smiled, not at all in wavered by the girls close proximity. She wasn't like the rest of the Cullens, Angela noted, Violet was much more approachable. Sure, she possessed the strikingly beautiful features and carried herself like royalty but there was something in her smile, it was soft... much more of a person. The other Cullen's smiled and you would be struck by the sheer beauty, almost shuddered away from it but with this girl... with Violet it was different. Angela could just feel the initial waves of nerves shake off her and she stepped closer towards Violet instead of shying away.

She found comfort in the fact the girl seemed genuinely intrigued in her life. "I'm good, I'm leaving for college in a couple of weeks with my boyfriend Eric so we are getting ready, finishing any last minute details. It's a pain in the ass but I guess that's life. What about you all?"

Violet smirked, wondering how easy life sounded for the human girl yet in her world it must have been the most stressful thing to ever grace her life. Oh how Violet envied her, her eyes briefly drifting down to the warm boots hugging her feet, hiding the small smile that graced her lips. Angela was nice and innocent, pure, someone not tainted by the hardships that came with being more than man. Her eyes looked back up, reacting before there was an awkward silence. "That's so good to hear, I hope college is worth all the stress though. And we've all been fine, Bella and Edward will be home in a week or so and we will figure out our lives from there."

"Well you're going back to Dartmouth right? Isn't that where Emmett is studying?" The human girl questioned, her hands quickly placing a bag of pretzels into her cart.

The hybrid didn't miss a beat, lying. "Yeah, soon. The fall semester is starting up, so I guess we will be going..."

At least that was the lie Violet had been told weeks back when Bella had actually graduated, back then things seemed much more difficult. She had only still been half a wolf then and the decision to stay or go with her imprint had always been at the back of her mind. Now, just because the decision was easier didn't make it that much swifter of an action. If she left, and she was almost certain that would occur, the hybrid would leave behind her whole pack and her blood. It was a necessary action, and now that Sam had made her decision that much simpler with her fathers presence it didn't sound bad.

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