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"Some people who die and come back to life change, you on the other hand are still the same stubborn bitch."

Rachel Black directed the comment towards Violet, throwing a French fry for good measure at her head. Vi feigned offense, catching the French fry as it fell into her lap and dropping it straight into her mouth. Rachel was Jacobs older sister, she along with her twin sister had been away studying in Hawaii. While Rebecca had however found love and ultimately gotten hitched and also pregnant the youngest of the twins had stayed committed to her studies.

She'd come back a few weeks ago on a surprise visit, well the surprise was more for her then her family when Paul Lahote imprinted on her. Afterwards she'd firmly committed herself to the life of the supernatural and now knew everything courtesy of Violet Uley.

Rachel had been a close friend to Vi before she'd gone off to college, even after her breakup with Jacob they'd stayed in touch and now it seemed like their bond was never stronger.

Emily came into the room then, smacking Rachel playfully by the head. "No throwing food."

Vi laughed, slowly it died out however as she began to remember the past night. It'd been seventeen hours since she left the Cullen's home and in that time she spent the majority of it sleeping in her old bedroom. No one came to bother her throughout the late night, knowing her attitude.

It was Rachel though that burst through the front door much like her younger brother and confronted the girl with a bag of fast food and willful pushes.

They'd been sitting for approximately an hour on the front porch to the Uley home, talking while Emily cleaned the house and kept up. Emily plopped onto the nearest chair, grasping her own set of fries and immediately biting into them.

"So? Are you going back today?" Rachel questioned. Ever since joining into the other side of La Push and it's residents she'd been worried, more now with a war closing in on them. Anything was possible and now more then ever Violet needed to be in control.

Vi sighed loudly, "I don't know. I don't feel like dealing with it all."

"Well it's not like you have an option here, at any time those vampires will come and like it or not these could be your last days." Rachel bluntly stated.

"You're right." Vi sighed heavily, dropping into her chair and closing her eyes. "I hate being mad at him, I hate keeping secrets from him."

"How do you think he feels." Emily answered, swirling the side cup in her hand. "You two need to talk though, whoever this Rosalie is must have been in his past, nobody really discusses their exes."

A slow silence filled them, only the creaking of their chairs amongst the air as Vi kept her eyes on the trees.

"The packs here." She called out, hearing the rustle of their feet followed by an extensive mutter of words.

"Great, I've gotta check the pies before they finish dinner." Emily spoke, standing from her comfortable chair and stretching her arms. She didn't make a move towards the kitchen though, waiting as they all slowly started appear before brushing her hand against Vi's with her warm smile. "Hey, whatever you want to do Sam and I are always here."

Vi squeezed her best friends hand, suddenly reminded about how warm and comforting she felt in this house not long ago. Suddenly, moving away to Seattle to get away from all the pain Jacob had caused her sounded stupid because everyone who could help her was in that house.

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