Chapter 28 - Nick

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Em is tense the entire movie, and she's tense on the way back to her place. I can't blame her, but I honestly didn't know how to react when I saw Jen.

I thought Em and I had an understanding, I thought she agreed that it'd be best to not take whatever we're doing past the end of the summer.

And I'm no fucking mind reader. She also gives me mixed signals; she's never said anything about trying to stay together.

I rub the back of my neck and glance at her. She's strolling next to me, but not touching me. Usually our arms would brush, our hands would casually bump into each other and then we'd smile. I love her smile. She's Em.

How can I tell her I agreed to date Jen again to get Claire's address? How can I tell her I've been doing this for two years, dating girls not only because I want to, but to help Dad? How can I tell her my dad would cut all funds to me if he knew we were serious? How can I tell her that I don't think I'm cut out for a relationship? I always put myself first, and my dancing is even more important to me now.

She's blabbering, trying to fill in the silence while we usually never had to. Even our silences were full of unsaid words. Comfortable silences, fun silences, sexy silences. "We're moving next week. I need to start helping Nonna a bit more in the restaurant." She's blushing. The restaurant. Those images of her against the wall, of the way she tentatively touched me, of the way I wanted all of her. How I still want all of her. And I want her to really smile. I'm giving myself mixed signals—no wonder she seems confused.

"Em," I say.

She turns to me and her smile isn't the one I'm used to. She's giving me her perfect smile, but there's no warmth in there, only sadness. "Yes?"

"Do you still want me to come with you tomorrow?" My tone is serious and inside, I beg her to say yes.

"Do you want to?" she asks.

I take her hand in mine gently, pulling her away from the traffic on the sidewalk into a little side street, and tilt her head toward mine. There's no way I'm going to let her do this all by herself. I want to be strong for her no matter what she finds. I want to be there for her. "I want to," I tell her.

And then I kiss her.

I wouldn't even care if someone saw.

Author's note:

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you're enjoying getting to know Em & Nick! I'd would love to hear from you, so don't hesitate to leave a comment. The full novella is already published/available on all e-retailers for only $0.99 in case you don't want to wait for the next chapter :) More information on :)

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