1: Itachi

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'I can't believe that that stupid pervert left me here' Naruto thought as he threw a ball against the ceiling. They'd been traveling for what seemed like an eternity to find this old Tsunade woman. The boy didn't think that she even deserved to be Hokage anymore if she was this hard to find. 

Knock Knock.

"He's finally back!" Naruto screamed in excitement as he ran to the door to unlock it.

'Not. Pervy. Sage.' Was all he could think as he stared up at the stranger who had eyes like Sasuke.

"Do-Do you need something?" Naruto managed to stutter out.

"Why, yes, we need you, Kyuubi brat."

'He knows. He knows about it. But... How? The old man told me it was a secret'

Naruto was suddenly pulled from his thoughts as the strange man grabbed him. He tried to fight back, but that only resulted in a kunai to the thigh and a couple shiriken to the stomach. The worst part was how easily this strange man was able to incapacitate him. He had barely flicked his wrist and Naruto was doubled over in pain. 

The young genin was about to black out when he saw a familiar face. Sasuke? He could barely recognize him. Before the boy knew it, he was staring into the scarlet eyes of the strange man.

'Where am I? What is this?' He wasn't in the hallway anymore, and lost the sensation of the sharp stabbing pain in his thigh and pressure in his abdomen. Instead of the janky hallway he had last know, they were on top of a building in Konoha. 'Why is the sky red?' he was cut from his thoughts when the mysterious man talked.

"Welcome to my Sharingan. Here I will spend the next 72 hours making your life a living hell." The man said with a sadistic smile on his face. "Shall we begin?" And with that the two of them vanished.

They reappeared in a small house. There sitting on the sofa was a happy couple. The girl had red hair cascading down her back and was staring down at an obviously pregnant belly as the man, who had crystal blue eyes, blond hair like his, and a friendly smile, was rubbing it. The scene didn't look like hell, as the Sharingan user had promised, in fact, it seemed to be the opposite. Just from watching the small family Naruto felt a sense of warmth and comfort that he had never known before. 

"These, Kyuubi brat, are your parents."

'My parents, but... How? No, no he has to be lying.'

The next thing Naruto knew we were in a clearing just outside of the village. The people from before were there. They were holding a child and crying. He walked closer and saw that the child had blond hair and three whisker marks on each check.

'No, no, NO! But... but...'

His thoughts were cut off by the Kyuubi clawing through both of his parents as they were staring down at the baby. Their blood dripped onto him as a seal appeared on his belly.

Naruto saw everything; his parents smiling as they were taken from this world, the third come and pick up the child, and the bodies of my parents being lifted up and carried away.

When everything was gone except for the blood stains on the floor, Naruto's scenery changed and he was chained to a wall.

"Now let's have a little bit on fun, Kyuubi brat." He said as he pulled out a kunai and traced a line across the blond's neck. The blood slowly dripped out and he then traced all six of his whisker marks with the kunai. Unsatisfied that they healed rather quickly, he took out some shiriken and stuck then in to my checks because he knew that the fox couldn't heal him with them still in.

Naruto cried in pain and was met with laughter and the sinister statement "Well we're just getting started. I still have another 71 hours, don't I?" The last part came off as more of a statement, not a question.

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