Chapter 29: In High Hopes

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drip. drip. drip. drip.

Naruto imagined he was laying down in a meadow, listening to the dew dripping from a basil leaf as a butterfly found itself taking a rest on the plant. The young boy watched intently as the insect fluttered its wing a few times and then decided that it was ready to depart. It opened its vibrant blue wings one final time before flying off into the sky, having the ability to search for a change of scenery. The boy wished he could do the same. Soon the view of the meadow he was holding onto so dearly faded into a piercing array of light and he realized it was only a dream.


Kakashi hadn't slept much for the past three months. During the day he sat with Naruto and chatted about whatever stories he could conjure from his memory to occupy the boy. The stories the blond enjoyed most were by far the jonin's accounts from his childhood. He had recalled sitting by the pond with his father, having picnics with his teammates, and wandering through the forest on his sensei's back, simply taking in the view.

Although it had been painful for him to recount all of those memories, he knew that they were healing Naruto, and that was all that mattered right now.

"Can we go to the pond and go on picnics and walk in the forest together too, sensei?" The frail boy had once asked him.

The copy ninja, surprised by the amount Naruto had been able to speak, gently responded. "Of course we will, Naruto. That's a promise."

The boy in my smiled and closed his eyes, succumbing to his state of fatigue.

During the night, however, things were much more bleak. He utilized this time to research as much as he could about Naruto's condition, while always keeping a close eye on the boy. A hitch in his breathing or a twitch of his hand could rapidly develop into an outburst of fear and anxiety. Kakashi had learned how to be there for him. Touch was a powerful tool in these situations, but also one of great danger. He would always start by gently setting his fingers on Naruto's head, gently running them through his hair with a gossamer touch. He had to prepare himself for a fearful, aggressive young boy screaming and bucking for his life.

"Shhh, it's okay Naruto. I'm right here. It's me, Kakashi. You know me. You know where you are. I'm staying right here." He would always whisper as gently as possible.

The fearful blue eyes would often look up into his, and in the blink of an eye, the younger boy would be gripping onto the elder's faded green vest, sobbing.

"I know, I know" the jonin would always soothe, rubbing small circles around his back.

More times than not, the boy found fall asleep in this fashion on his chest. Kakashi would have no choice but to crawl into the small hospital bed and lay down with the boy clinging to him.

However, this night was different. There had been no change in his breathing, and no twitching or slightest expression of discomfort on Naruto's face. Before long the sun peaked over the horizon, as could be seen through the thick window in front of Naruto's bed.

Soon the boy's eyes begun to flutter open and he stretched. Forgetting where he was for a moment, he curiously surveyed the room.

"Why good morning, little one" Kakashi said gently, careful not to startle Naruto in case he hadn't noticed him yet.

"Good morning sensei" he said through a yawn.

"How did we sleep last night?" The jonin asked carefully, not wanting to revive any trauma that might have occurred throughout the night.

"I had a really good dream" He responded softly, but with a smile on his face. He looked at his sensei and after seeing his positive response, he decided to continue. "I was laying outside and I saw a butterfly land next to me." He paused for a second. "Sensei, remember last month when you talked about sitting by the pond and having a picnic?"

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