15: Why?

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Kakashi POV:

"I have new word on Naruto's condition." The sanin said. I nodded and he was about to start talking again when they both heard a shrill scream from the room behind them; Naruto's room.

In a flurry of movement and sound, every doctor and nurse available ran into the room and were trying to comfort the blond. An oxygen mask was put on him because he was hyperventilating too bad to breathe on his own.

When Jiraiya and I darted into the room he gave us a pained and tortured look that said "kill me now" with his eyes.

In another split second Jiraiya and I were on either side of him, holding his hands softly and gently and whispering comforting words to him.

"Shhh you're okay, you're safe, I'm right here, you're okay" I lightly whispered into his ear, though I doubt that he heard me.

It was all just too much, too much.

Not more than 30 seconds later, Tsunade came in with a syringe and quickly injected it into one of the IV's in his hands. She then started stroking the violently shaking and sobbing boy's head until he drifted into a drug-induced sleep, unmoving. The only sounds in the room now were the sound of his heart beat monitor and the oxygen being pushed into his lungs.

That was until everyone turned to notice the quivering wide-eyed Uchiha in the corner.

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