Chapter 1

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Jeon Jungkook was drunk.

After a night at the club with his hyungs, he wasn't feeling the most sober, having snuck a few too many shots as Namjoon and Yoongi passed them to him when Jin wasn't looking. Now he could barely walk straight, leaning the majority of his weight on Jimin who, being significantly smaller than himself, was sort of struggling to keep the maknae up.

"Yah, Taehyung-ah, come take this kid," Jimin chuckled, motioning for the taller to come help him take some of the weight of the muscled youngest, however the latter snuggled more onto Jimin.

"Noooo Jiminie hyuuung," He slurred, wrapping his arms around the boy's shoulders, causing Jimin to roll his eyes and Taehyung to laugh.

"Jiminie!" Taehyung joined in, flinging himself onto the pair and sandwiching poor Jimin in the middle of the two tall maknaes, the younger two of the trio letting out a stream of giggles.

"Really...what should I do with you two..." Jimin shook his head fondly, dragging the pair to keep up with the others. He would have asked someone else for help but Hoseok and Yoongi were currently singing a duet at full volume, which was fairly displeasing to the ear. There was a reason why they were rappers, and the pair had forgotten this as they belted out a tune, unbothered that people on the street were giving them strange looks.

Jimin would have asked Jin, but the eldest already had the leader slumped on his shoulder. Namjoon was enough to handle when he was drunk, and Jimin wasn't going to frustrate the oldest boy with another drunk member.

Finally they managed to reach Jin's car, and Jimin sighed in relief as he settled the two youngest into their seats and sat in the middle of them, relaxing and buckling his seatbelt. The relief was short lived as he heard a chorus of, "Jiminie hyung!" And a pair of arms latch onto his from either side. With a small chuckle, he gently stroked their hair, lulling them both to sleep as the car took off. It was a good thing he and Jin were sober.

"We're at Jungkook's place ," Jin said from the driver's seat, looking back at the three youngest. Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok had already been dropped off as they lived in the same apartment building. Taehyung was dozing off with his face pressed against the window, making Jimin smile.

Jimin gently shook the maknae awake. "We're at your block, Jungkook," He muttered softly, as Jungkook blinked his eyes wearily.

"Okay," He mumbled, allowing Jimin to unbuckle his seat belt.

"Jimin can you help him up to his flat?" Jin spoke, the tiredness laced in his voice.

"It's okay hyung, I got it," Jungkook mumbled, grabbing the handle on the second try and pushing open the door.

"Okay," Jin nodded. He must have been extra tired because if he'd have realised how drunk Jungkook actually was he would have forced Jimin to accompany him.

"Bye Kookie-ah, be careful," Jimin smiled and waved, and they were driving off as soon as they saw Jungkook step safely inside the apartment block.

Jungkook stumbled up the stairs slowly, gripping the banister and basically pulling himself up the flights of stairs. He should have taken the lift, he thought, but then again there was a high chance that he would have pressed the wrong button and ended up on the wrong floor.

Thinking about how much effort this was, he'd forgotten to count how many flights of stairs he'd dragged himself up. Deciding that that was enough, he simply headed off down the corridor in the hopes he'd find his door.

Out of instinct he went to the second door on the right, not bothering to check to the flat number as he was sure it was his. His hands rummaged in his jean pockets, and he cursed when he couldn't find his keys.

It was then that he vaguely recalled handing them over along with his phone to Jin for safekeeping. Groaning, he leaned forward and rested his forehead flat against the cold surface of the door, his hands coming up to push against the door as he leaned his weight onto it.

To his upmost surprise, the door clicked open, causing the Jungkook to stumble forwards and almost face-plant the carpet. Almost.

He managed to right himself before he hit the floor, ruffling his hair as he blinked, his vision still blurry. Did he forget to lock his flat before he went out?

Whatever happened, Jungkook wasn't too concerned for the moment. There was simply one word being screamed in his mind and that was SLEEP. So he managed to drag himself towards the direction of the bedroom, clutching onto the door frame for support when he hit a sudden wave of dizziness, before flinching when he heard a shrill shriek.

A girl had just come out of the bathroom, and was staring at Jungkook with wide eyes.

The fact that there was an actual girl in the apartment, standing in front of him tightly clutching a vase that she'd picked up from the nearby drawer (God knows how she moved that quick, he didn't even notice her moving to get it. Then again, he wasn't in a state to notice much at all).

"I don't know why you're in my flat but don't mind me," He hummed, falling into the room and heading straight for the bed, not bothering to change or freshen up; his head was screaming sleep and his body was obeying the command.

The unknown girl observed him closely, her mouth dropping open again as she watched the boy collapse onto the sheets and promptly pass out on the bed.

Her bed.

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