Chapter 7

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Jungkook hammered on the door of his friend's flat with his fist. He could hear movement and some grumbling as the door swung open to reveal Taehyung glaring at him.

"Is it necessary for you to break my door?" He scorned, but let the younger boy in none the less.
"So what's got you so hyped?"

Jungkook spotted Jimin on the couch, and waved to him before turning back to Taehyung, catching his breath before grinning widely.

"She is one of us."

Taehyung stood with a blank look, just staring at Jungkook who widened his eyes and made vague waving gestures with his hands as if it would help jog Tae's memory.

When he finally realised, Taehyung's face completely changed.
"Really?! How do you know?!" He grabbed Jungkook's arm and pulled him to the sofa, pushing him down to sit before placing himself next to the younger, motioning for him to explain.

"What's going on?" Jimin raised an eyebrow curiously, but Jungkook already started speaking.

"I had an inkling ever since I met her... Her scent was so sweet and distinct, not like a normal human smell, you know? It wasn't just a perfume or room spray, it felt more than that. And then I saw her mark," Jungkook's eyes sparkled, and Taehyung smiled at it.

"And? What is she?"

Jungkook's grin widened.

"An Omega."

Taehyung clapped, grinning. "What are the chances, eh?"

Jungkook chuckled, shrugging. "I know! But it was there, I saw it with my own eyes. She's an Omega, Tae."

Taehyung smiled fondly, ruffling the younger's hair. He knew Jungkook was interested in this female Omega wolf, which pleased him to no end. He himself had had a few flings and Omega girlfriends in the past, and whenever he'd offered to set Jungkook up with one of his partner's friends the younger had refused.

But now he could see the change in Jungkook's eyes, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, please let me know what's going on," Jimin whined, "I'm confused."

And so Jungkook filled him in on the details, from when he first ended up in Seulbi's apartment to now. Jimin was chuckling and gasping the whole way through, surprised at the younger's interest, but like Taehyung he too wore a smirk on his face.

"So when are you going to take her out?" Jimin grinned, crossing his arms and swiftly to a more comfortable position in the sofa.

Jungkook's smile faltered.

"I told you didn't I that-"

"You don't know for sure that was her boyfriend. Just go ask," Taehyung shrugged, and Jungkook frowned.

"So she can see me as even more of an idiot? No thank you."

"Don't you have to go give that container back?" Jimin cocked his head, staring at the younger.

Jungkook started back, before realising what Jimin was hinting at. An excuse to go back.

"Well..." For some reason the thought made him nervous. Not nervous, the feeling wasn't exactly unpleasant, but he didn't know how else to describe it. But he guessed he had no choice.

"Come on Jungkook, you're an Alpha, for goodness sake. You shouldn't be afraid of an Omega," Taehyung rolled his eyes, and Jungkook just shoved him off the sofa, leading to Tae sitting on the carpet running his elbow with a pout on his face.

"Don't be a wimp Jungkookie! You won't know unless you ask," Jimin called out as Jungkook left his friend's apartment.

He took his time strolling back to his own block of flats, thinking about his new found discovery.

Seulbi was an Omega Wolf.

How did he know? From the pale grey omega symbol, peaking out of the junction of her neck and right shoulder, permanently etched into the skin.

But why was she so afraid of it showing?

That was something Jungkook realised as the girl yanked up her top with fearful eyes, the way she panicked when he said her dress looked better without the cardigan.

She was afraid of showing her status. But why?

Jungkook figured he couldn't just go in and say, 'Hey! I'm a wolf too!' He just wasn't sure what her reaction would be.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Guess he'd have to pretend he didn't know anything for now.

He neared his apartment, and, once he reached the building he took the stairs two at a time, making it to his door and collapsing on the sofa.

Jungkook spotted the small Tupperware container on his Kitchen worktop, and just stared at it, thinking of the brown haired girl in the apartment below him.

And the he made his decision.

He was going to go back. He was going to meet Seulbi, he was going to make her like him, no matter how long it takes.

It didn't matter if she didn't like him right now, it didn't matter if that guy was her boyfriend. He was going to take on the challenge of befriending (and more) Park Seulbi.

He knew he could do it.

He was an Alpha, after all.

Short chapter, hopefully next one will be longer.
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