Chapter 10

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"Another one? Really?" Seulbi groaned, flopping down onto the sofa and sinking into the plush fabric, spreading out and laying across it in the most unladylike manner but she didn't care at all; it wasn't like there was anyone to see her.

"...Alright." She cut the phone, allowing it to fall onto the rug with a dull thump. If she was in a better mood she might have cared more for the wellbeing of her mobile but right now that was the least of her concerns.

Really, she loved her Aunt, but all these dates in quick succession? It was - quite frankly - driving her crazy. Seulbi didn't need a man in her life, she didn't want a man in her life, not some pompous male that her Aunt set her up with anyway. But, she knew her Aunt only wanted the best for her and so she'd agreed to every one of the stupid meetings with these 'suitors', none of which she'd liked. Well, her Aunt's choice was limited anyway; it was difficult to find a decent Alpha these days around the area. And nowadays it was so easy to mask the Alpha musk with scent blockers or sort of replicate the Alpha scent with fake perfume that it was near impossible to tell who was really who. Although Seulbi used them herself to hide her Omega status, so she couldn't really complain. Besides, Seulbi wasn't interested in the dating scene; not at all.


Maybe that was an over exaggeration. She used to not be interested, until a certain-

'No,' Seulbi chided herself. What was she thinking? Showing interest in a human?

Was she crazy?

With a shake of the head and a sigh, she relaxed further, shuffling on the coach until she was comfortably settled and promptly fell asleep.

"Yah, Jungkook."

"Hm?" Jungkook lifted his gaze from the report he was engrossed in, only to see Jimin and Taehyung standing in front of his desk. Well, the pair were already settling into the chairs; Taehyung beginning to spin on his.

"What are you two doing here?" He asked, surprised that the pair weren't at work. It was only half four, and as far as he remembered Tae didn't get off till 6 and Jimin's was half an hour later.

"Not pleased to see us?" Jimin chuckled, handing over a ramen cup that Jungkook took eagerly with a grateful smile.

"Say, Jungkook," Taehyung smirked at him, and the youngest male sighed, already knowing what subject was about to be brought up.

"Have you told her yet?"

"No," The youngest of the three replied glumly, flipping a page of the report in front of him, containing a case file of a murder which he was struggling to find clues on.

Taehyung leant over and snatched the file, slamming it shut and placing it on the edge of the desk. "Why not?"


"Because is not an answer," Jimin mused, and Jungkook laughed. "What are you, my mother?"

"Might as well be, you're not acting like an Alpha to be honest with you," Jimin grinned lopsidedly. "Even I'm braver than you," He smirked, and Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

Jimin was a Beta himself, and entirely happy with his status. Taehyung however, was an Alpha just like Jungkook, although Tae had mated around 6 months ago.

"How does it feel to be mated?"

The question came as a surprise because Jungkook had never been interested in mating before. He'd had a couple of flings but never anything serious and nothing recent. So him asking such a question made Taehyung pay him his full attention.

"Erm, well," He sat up straighter, "It's a serious thing Jungkookie, not something that's done without consideration. And after, you just feel...content? Constantly," Taehyung had a dreamy smile on his face, and that pretty much summed it up for the two listening.

Jimin wrinkled his nose, shoving his dongsaeng lightly. "Yah. You look too loved up. Stop," But Taehyung just laughed. "You're just jealous Jiminie."

Jimin rolled his eyes. It was common knowledge that Jimin wanted someone. For ages he'd searched for someone suitable, but it was difficult. Most Alphas wanted an Omega and most Omegas wanted an Alpha. Betas like him were mostly in search of someone of a different status, because rumours had it that same-status relationships were the hardest to deal with.

"Hey, cheer up Jimin hyung," Jungkook smiled kindly, "They're waiting for you, you just have to find them."

Jimin smiled gratefully at the younger.

It was almost seven by the time Jungkook got back to his flat, and he immediately showered and changed into comfy grey joggers, skipping the t-shirt and rubbed a towel on his wet hair. Getting bored after a couple of minutes, he just left his damp hair to air dry. He collapsed onto the sofa and grabbed the remote, turning on the TV, when the doorbell rang.

With a soft groan, he got up again, slipping his feet into his favourite bunny slippers and strolling to the door, not bothering with a t-shirt because it was mostly likely Taehyung or Jimin coming over to bother him because he was their favourite person to bother, obviously.

He opened the door whilst yawning, forgetting to even check the peephole.

And paused mid yawn, kind of wishing he had checked, because standing in front of him was none other than Park Seulbi.

Oh my God.

He was shirtless. Those abs though...and damp hair... and-

Seulbi averted her eyes quickly, hoping that the man hadn't seen her staring so obviously. "I'm sorry, maybe I should go-"

"No!" Jungkook said a little too quickly, watching as Seulbi's face blushed a soft pink against her tanned skin. He could feel his own face heating up.

"Can I help you?" Jungkook immediately mentally face palmed. What was he, a salesperson? He should have just invited her in! Stupid Jungkook, he thought to himself.

"Actually..." To be honest, Seulbi wasn't sure why she was at Jungkook's flat. She was bored, having finished all her work and decided to go for a walk. So engrossed in her thoughts, she hadn't realised that subconsciously her feet had lead her to the man's doorstep until she'd rung the doorbell. How stupid.

"Do you want to come in?" Jungkook grinned, a smile that reached his eyes, showing of his set of endearingly wonderful bunny-like teeth and crinkly eyes; she couldn't help but smile back.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever....
I'm going to pick up the story I think, more action between the pair?
Don't forget to vote! <3

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