Chapter 8

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Sorry for the late update guys, been super busy~

"Park Seulbi."

"You're back," Seulbi said dryly, opening the door slightly wider for Jungkook to step inside. Pleased that she's at least allowed him inside, the boy grinned at her, shaking the box in his hand.

"I came to give this back," He waved the small empty box in front of her and she gave him a half smile, reaching out to take it before walking over to the kitchen to put it away.

"So, Seulbi," Jungkook smiled, sitting himself on the sofa. The said girl sighed, turning around and giving him a small smile.

"What can I do for you Jungkook?"

Well, she'd not added the formality, which is an improvement, he thought to himself.

"Can I take you out for a-"

Just then a ringtone blared around across the room and Jungkook winced at the terrible timing.

"Let me just get that, sorry," Seulbi walked over to her bag and rummaged through it, pulling out her phone and walking towards the bedroom before closing the door behind her.

Well, almost closing the door behind her.

There was still a small gap where the door was left ajar, and Jungkook bit his lip wondering whether or not eavesdropping was a good idea. Seulbi was just so secretive; he wanted to know more about her. Maybe this way he could find somethings out?

Silently standing up and tiptoeing towards the room, he leant against the door frame and pressed his ear against the gap, the perfect position to just about hear Seulbi's end of the conversation.

"Yes, I he was alright..." She mumbled in a hush tone, a frown on her face.

"No, I don't think he's the one-"

"No that doesn't mean-"


"Fine," The girl sighed deeply, clearly the loser of whatever argument she was taking place in. When she said bye with a resigned tone Jungkook immediately stepped back and into his place on the sofa, making himself comfortable to look as though he never moved.

"Everything alright?" He smiled at her, and she just shrugged and sighed, running a hand through her hair. He couldn't help but notice the way her silky hair fell in waves, and he suddenly had he urge to run his own hands through it.

"Can I help?" Jungkook smiled sheepishly. Seulbi gave him a pointed look before cracking a wry smile.

"I can handle it," She chuckled, flopping onto the sofa (still with an unnecessary amount of space between them, Jungkook thought).

"So what's the matter?" The boy wasn't expecting an answer, so he was surprised when he got one.

"That was my Aunt. She likes to set me up on dates, so she can see the guys herself and approve them then she'll force me to go on dates. Because she wants me to-"

Seulbi froze, giving Jungkook a sideways look before shaking her head.

"Wants you to what?" Jungkook asked, curious.

"Oh nothing, you know, find someone," She motioned vaguely, looking away.

"So why can't you just say no if you don't want to?"

She sighed. "Because she means well. She's only trying to help," Seulbi smiled defeatedly. "It's the least I can do for her after she raised me."

Her eyes seemed to widen at that slip up also, making Jungkook even more curious as to the girl's past. This time he thought better than to ask about it, in case she clammed up and closed the conversation.

"So do you have another date?" He muttered, a slight feeling of jealousy panting in his heart, not that he allowed it to slip into his tone of voice.

Seulbi nodded. "Yeah, this weekend," She shrugged, standing up and stretching.

He couldn't exactly stop her, even though he wanted to. But he had a better idea.

"So where is this date?" He asked as casually as he could muster, leaning back and pretending to be only slightly interested.

"Oh, cinema I believe?" She nodded, before heading for the kitchen.

He couldn't exactly stop her, but he wouldn't exactly let it go as planned, either.

Short chapter I know, I'm so sorry I've been unrealistically busy! Please vote 💜

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