Chapter 14

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"Come on Seulbi-ah, where are you..." Jungkook muttered under his breath, trying her phone for the seventh time yet going to voicemail. He'd ran up and down the street, attempting to locate the girl but his efforts were in vain so far. Sighing in frustration, he ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it in thought. 

Suddenly his phone pinged and his hopes soared, his eyes rapidly darting to the lit up screen in the dark, only to be disappointed once again. 

Yah, Guk. Everything okay? I've had to pay your bill you brat! Why would you just leave like that??

Jungkook managed a half smile, quickly telling him he'd explain and pay him back later, and slipped the phone back into his pocket, pulling his jacket tighter around himself and glancing up and down the almost empty street. 

Think, Jungkook. What is in the surrounding area? He could think of the small market down the road, the housing estate a few blocks down, a few more cafés, but he'd checked all of those. This is all my fault, he thought miserably, wishing he'd have just waited till they go home or even not said anything at all. Or he could have waited until they were in the car, but no, he had to ruin it. 

The silence of the night was interrupted by the ringing of his mobile, which he promptly fumbled for in his pocket only to see the caller was Jimin. 

"Jimin hyung?" He answered impatiently.

"Jungkook-ah, I was out for my evening jog, you know as I do everyday-"

"Yes hyung," Jungkook stepped from one foot to the other, not wanting to sound rude, but also annoyed with himself that he couldn't find Seulbi.

"-so I was jogging past that stream, you know the one that goes around the back of the industrial estate?"

Jungkook thought for a moment, before nodding and then realising stupidly that Jimin couldn't see him. "Yeah I think so, why?"

"Why is Seulbi sitting there at this time of the evening? I mean, I don't think it's safe for her to be out there, and I was going to go up to her but she doesn't exactly know me so she could think it was a bit creepy and-"

Why is Seulbi sitting there at this time of the evening? 

He tuned out at the sound of her name; Thank you Jimin hyung. I owe you one.

"Hyung, you're a life saver, I love you." Jungkook immediately cut the call, ignoring the noise of confusion Jimin made and making a run for the said path. 

It took him exactly six minutes to get to the designated path that ran between the factory and the small stream, dodging some rickety planks and making his way to a clearing. He sighed in relief as he saw the petite silhouette of a girl sitting on amidst large rocks, against the bright moonlight that made the water glisten. With soft footsteps, Jungkook stepped out of the dark shadow of the buildings.

"Seulbi?" He whispered, and the said girl remained silent. He took that as a sign that he could approach, and he carefully sat next to her, perching on the rock and glancing in her direction.

"I'm so sorry," He muttered, hoping she would say something, anything. 

"Jungkook," She sighed, still not looking in his direction. "I can't, you, I just-"

"Shh," He spoke, cautiously taking her hand. Seulbi looked at him with apprehension, and he smiled tentatively. 

"Maybe its time I show you something." 

Slowly, Jungkook reached for his jacket, unzipping it and placing it on the ground with his free hand. He then proceeded to unbutton the first two buttons of his shirt, all the while staring at Seulbi's eyes which had now widened in confusion.

He gently pulled down his collar to expose his shoulder blade, and - without breaking eye contact - turned so that his back was to the moonlight. 

The gasp that followed made him smile a little; Seulbi's face a picture of mixture of emotions, as she stumbled backwards. 

"You- all this time - you are-" 

Jungkook smiled softly at the girl, reaching for her hand again so she wasn't too far. "Yeah." 

After the initial shock for the girl, Jungkook felt cool fingers brush against the grey Alpha symbol etched on his skin, making him shudder ever so slightly at the touch. Grey, the colour of the unmated. 

"Jungkook..." Seulbi whispered, causing him to turn around and smile down at her, taking the girl into his arms as she buried her face into his chest, with his chin just able to rest on the top of her head. He let out the breath he didn't know he was holding, pulling the girl even closer as he felt her tears through his shirt. 

"Don't cry, I'm here," He muttered soothingly, brushing a hand through her hair with a smile, because finally, finally, this was happening. He didn't know her full story yet, but he was certain that now a silent understanding had passed between them Seulbi would let him in more.

After a few minutes in silence in each other's embrace, Seulbi pulled back slightly, allowing her to look up at the man who was looking at her with eyes full of warmth. He picked up the jacket, brushing it off and wrapping it around the girl's shoulders, adjusting it so it covered her. 

"How about we go home?" Jungkook mumbled softly, and Seulbi nodded, with a small smile. "Let's go home." 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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