Chapter 9

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All black.

That's what Jungkook was dressed in, complete with a black mask and shades. He probably looked like he was going to commit a crime or something but right now his priority was keeping himself covered as much as possible. After all, he was going to spy on Seulbi and her 'date'. Jungkook rolled his eyes subconsciously at the word, before slipping out of the house and into his car, starting up the engine and driving out. Of course, he'd managed to find out the time through an extremely casual "So what time are you going today?" when he spotted the girl watering the plants outside her door.

Jungkook checked his watch; it was exactly 6:05pm. The evening show, Jungkook though ruefully, glancing around and parking in a spot that allowed him perfect view of the entrance as well as through the glass all the way to the ticket counter. Settling into his seat, he leant back, placing his hands behind his head and relaxing, and waiting.

23 minutes later (yes, he counted) Jungkook spotted a very familiar female step out of a small dark blue car, alongside a male who - in Jungkook's opinion - was too tall for Seulbi (he was just saying). The pair headed inside the cinema theatre, and Jungkook found himself stepping out of the car without even realising it. Leaning against the car, he could clearly see the couple (no, he didn't like to call them a couple because they were not) buying their tickets and turning the corner.

With a furrowed brow, Jungkook jogged to the entrance and entered the building, walking towards the counter before pausing.

He had no idea which film the pair were watching.

Idiot, he thought to himself briefly, before scanning the board.

What would the guy take her to see?

Well the pair headed to the right corridor which were screens 5-8, therefore he could rule out the action, thriller and comedy films that were showing in the left corridor.

That left the horror, romance and sad films currently playing. Jungkook dismissed the sad film, because who would take a girl to a sad film on their date?

So that left horror or romance - and Jungkook was kind of stuck. The logic, of course, for the horror film was that the guy could feel "protective" and cuddle with Seulbi if she was scared (Jungkook rolled his eyes at the thought) or the romance, in order to hint at a further relationship.

Which would Jungkook take?

Making his choice - it was 50:50 after all - he paid for the ticket and a small box of popcorn, and quickly turned to the right and sprinted down the corridor, stopping at screen 6 and cautiously entering, pushing down his cap and pulling his mask up as much as he could. He took a very slow walk along the dark aisle, eyes rapidly scanning the seats in hope of the pair.

And he smiled when his gaze fell on them, right in the middle.

With a grin hidden behind his mask, he took the stairs two at a time and situated himself a couple of rows behind them, making himself comfortable.

Why was he even doing this?

He sighed to himself. Really, he was a police officer, he shouldn't be spying! But he couldn't help it, he just couldn't help it. It wasn't like anyone would know.

He was so lost in thought he hadn't realised the film had started; the beginning music drifting through the speakers as the title was displayed. But Jungkook wasn't paying much attention, and this continued for the majority of the duration of the movie - obviously watching the film was not his principe purpose.

His fist clenched subconsciously as he sensed what was about to happen; he scoffed at how cliché it was. The mystery male stretched his arms above him, one coming to rest very slowly and cautiously around Seulbi's shoulders. Jungkook's alpha senses enabled him to spot the ever so slight tensing of the girl's body, and Jungkook felt it was time to mix things up a bit.

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