First Memory: When All Ties Are Lost

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Minna! (Everyone!) How have you all been? I was thrilled with the new extra chapter of Fairy Tail! Oh my gosh did you all see it already? Their stone age version is way better than the manga itself. Kidding! But, literally, I was screaming my head off with all the fan girling especially when Natsu held Lucy, protecting her from the other girls and shouting "She's mine!" O_O. It's confirmed! My ship has finally sailed and battling all the navy ships haha. Well, now that I was able to get my reaction here, here's the good news. Guys and girls out there, please tell me what you'll think of this first chapter. I will post my next one as soon as I'm done with my training. See you guys in the comment box! Enjoy!



Memories are important to a person, because memories are mirrors of who you once were, and who you are going to be.



"I just want to......all I really want is to.....have more...adventures with you", Lucy smiled through the pain she is feeling. Blood is trickling down the right side of her forehead. There were dirt on her clothes and the pain surging to her whole body is not enough to bring her down.

"Natsu...", she mumbled softly. There he is, standing in front of her, readying himself for another attack.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art", he made his attacking stance. More like, his last attack is coming and nothing will be able to stop it from coming.

"Natsu.....", she said again. She said something very low to hear and then she gave him the warmest smile she can ever give. He seemed to hesitate a little.

"Crimson Lotus Exploding Flame Blade!", he announced. He unleashed his magic and Lucy just closed her eyes as the impact came.


Lucy's apartment....

"Lucy", Erza tried calling to her friend. However, Lucy did not respond.

"Any luck?", Gray asked. Erza shook her head.

"Hmmm, is she sleeping that soundly that she can't even muster a sound?"

"She's probably tired. She's still suffering from her loss of power. We shouldn't force her", Erza said.

"Well if you say so. It's quite unusual for her not to be on the mood though. She's usually the one stubborn to look for Natsu", Gray scratched the back of his head.

"Come to think of it....Gray, can you try making a key to this door?", Erza asked.

"What? I know I can make things but not without something to copy", Gray said. "Besides, I'm not that perverted to do this to a friend", he blushed a little.

"No other way huh? Let's try barging in through the window", Erza walked down the stairs as she talks.

"Hey wait a minute. Why would you do that?", Gray asked.

"Lucy may not be in the room", Erza said.


"I don't sense anyone in the all", Erza stopped looking up to Lucy's window.

"Hey wait a second here", Gray was practically trying to stop Erza from doing something so reckless and vulgar so early in the morning.

"What are you two doing?", both mage turned to see who interrupted them.

Tales of an Adventure: Forgotten Ties (NaLu Series Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now