Fourth Memory: Assault!

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Hello everyone! Yes, you know it. I'm going to continue writing this story. Here's the new update or chapter for this book.

I hope all of you will enjoy this! Be sure to comment and vote!



Fairy Tail Guild....

A knock was heard in the infirmary.

"Who is it?", Lucy asked.

"I'm just checking if you probably have the appetite to eat?", Mirajane entered the room.

"How is Lucy? Is she awake?", Lisanna came in after her.

"Mira-san, Lisanna?! You two are still here?", judging from how dark it is outside the window, it should be around midnight.

"Knowing you might need us here, we couldn't just leave", Mirajane smiled sweetly at her. She covered Levy with a blanket.

"We?", Lucy asked again.

"Everyone is staying at the guild. It's been like this since yesterday. They are...getting ready just in case something happens", Mirajane was hesitant to say the plan the Master and the others had come up with.

"Lucy, do you want to eat something? Mira-nee made some delicious curry. Everyone's downstairs playing some cards. Do you want to join us?", Lisanna happily smiled at her.

"Sure. I think it's about time I move out of bed", Lucy stretched a little.

Levy opened her eyes and looked at Lucy.

"Lu-chan you're awake?! I fell asleep, sorry about that", Levy apologized.

"That's alright Levy-chan. I know you're tired as well. Thanks for looking after me", Lucy said.

"Now then, I'll be going down first to make some preparations. I'm sure everyone will be glad to see you", Mirajane excused herself. "Before I forgot, Gajeel, why don't you come down as well and eat something?", she asked before straightly going out the door.

Everyone looked to the direction she gazed at and saw Gajeel standing at the far off edge of the room.

"GAJEEL?!", Happy and Lisanna shouted out with surprise.

"Oh, have you been there this whole time?", Levy asked calmly. Surely, she know he's been there.

"This whole time? You've been in the room all this time?!", Lisanna sweat dropped.

"We didn't even notice him standing there", Happy was a little scared.

"If Mira-nee didn't said anything I bet we won't even know Gajeel is here", Lisanna said.

"I got to say, you guys really lack in the ability of taking attention to your surroundings. If I'm an enemy I could attack you right now", Gajeel smirked. "Then again, Bunny-girl already sensed me here as soon as she opened her eyes", he continued.

Lucy just smiled at his comment.

"Enough of that, let's go down. Lucy has to eat", Lisanna grabbed Lucy and aided her out the door.

It was lively as soon as they got out of the room. They can already hear the noise from other guild members who are laughing and fighting.

"Sometimes, I fail to see how the guild is still standing", Lucy laughed.

"Lucy!", Cana was the first one to notice her coming down the stairs with Happy in her arms followed by Levy and the others.

"How are you feeling, my child?", Master Makarov asked as soon as she settled in the counter table.

Tales of an Adventure: Forgotten Ties (NaLu Series Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now