Third Memory: Plastic Memories

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Hello guys, I am thinking of stopping this work for a while. Don't have any violent reactions, please. I have a very good reason to do so. But, depending on my health and my ability to keep writing stories, I will definitely post more chapters as soon as I can. Sorry everyone! Please don't hate me. Anyway, please enjoy this chapter.



"Natsu!", Lucy coughed with worry at her eyes. Debris were falling as the building is starting to collapse.

"Don't worry about me idiot, try to leave this place!", Natsu is having a hard time pushing the rock away. He doesn't have any more strength left in him to blow the thing off. He looked back at Lucy, hoping to see she's already trying to run away but then he saw her waving her hands with a key. The magic circle was summoned and the gate to the desired celestial spirit was opened.

"Virgo......", Lucy panted. "Please..."

Virgo bit her lip and ran towards Natsu. The rock was shattered and as he looks at Lucy, he's already falling down. All he saw was Lucy smiling at him and mouthed the words which he never wanted to hear in their current situation.


Lucy opened her eyes instantly with sweat building in her entire body. She panted heavily as she held her chest. She is still in the infirmary but since it's night time, it's a little dark inside the room. She saw Levy sleeping soundly beside her.

"Lucy?", she noticed Happy making his way to her side with a fish at his paws. "I have an extra fish, you want to share with me?", he asked.

Lucy took him and cried a little. Somehow, having Happy beside her is comforting.

"If you want, you can have all of it. I don't have the appetite to eat this after all", he said.

"Thanks Happy", she cried out.

Happy knows how Lucy must be feeling right now so he hugged her with all his might.


Natsu's POV....Flashbacks...

"Where..."¸he look ed at his surroundings as he tries to register what is happening.

Debris started to fall and he used his instinct to dodge them. A rock fell on top of him and he was unable to move from the spot.

"Natsu are you alright?", he saw Yunehart trying to make his way to him. Blood is dripping from his shoulders as he held an unconscious Milly who looks like she seemed better days.

"Don't worry about me idiot, try to leave this place!", Natsu is having a hard time pushing the rock away. He doesn't have any more strength left in him to blow the thing off. He looked back at Yunehart and Milly, hoping to see they're already trying to run away but then he saw someone else. Their master, Misha, summoned a magic circle and tried to blow the rock from him.

"Master, just try to leave this place, please!", Natsu cried out.

The magic that was about to crush the huge rock stopped when it was interrupted by another blow.

"I won't let you all off so easily", he saw Lucy holding a key with a smug smile on her face.

"Why you...", Natsu angrily looked at her.

"I'll make sure you all die here!", Lucy readied her whip and started lashing at his companions.

"Master! Yunehart!", Natsu struggled against the rock. Just as the situation is starting to get worse, Sasha and Kirshna came to their rescue shoving Lucy away from them.

Tales of an Adventure: Forgotten Ties (NaLu Series Book 5)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt