Seventh Memory: Sepia

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Here's the seventh chapter of this story. Please enjoy reading!



Kirika province....

"Come in", Misha ordered.

Natsu entered her premises.

"It's rare for you to visit my quarters. You must have a good reason for this", Misha said.

"Master....", Natsu averted his gaze at her. "I'm going to...Magnolia"

At that statement, Misha's aura changed. Natsu readied himself for a blow.

"Your purpose?", Misha asked a little calmer but the tension is still there.

Natsu braced himself. He already made his resolve about coming to Magnolia and he already found a good excuse which would make Misha give him the permission to do so.

"I'm going to finish what I started", Misha stopped her anger with that. "Yunehart said the twins, Milly and even Colossus is already in Magnolia. Why don't we.....make sure that I finish the job?", Natsu looked at her straight in the eyes.

Misha saw the determination in him. Truly, Natsu believes the memories he has and there's no hint of betrayal.

Misha sighed in defeat but she's happy at what Natsu just told her. This will make things easier for them.

"Go", she stated. Natsu started walking out her room. "Make sure you return before the sun sets tomorrow"

"Understood", he continued walking without looking back.

When Natsu was gone, three figures stood behind Misha.

"Your orders?", one of them asked.

"Make sure Natsu won't have too much contact with that girl", Misha said.

"I thought Yunehart took care of it?", another asked.

"I'm not so foolish to trust his eyes. He may see us as his comrades now, but, we won't know until the girl and Fairy Tail are all dead", Misha replied.

"We'll do as you please, Milady", they vanished as soon as they said it.

"My hands are already moving, Makarov", Misha darkly said. "Let's see what your puny guild will do"


Fairy Tail Underground....

"Why did you take me here? I won't tell you anything so why do you bother?", Milly asked rather rude to Master Makarov. "I won't say anything even if you try torturing me", she said.

"No one from my family will do such a thing. However, I would like to have a friendly chat", he said.

"Hah! We will never succumb to anything you have to say!", Milly said.

"You probably know that your sisters are in the Council's prison cell. You must be worried about them", Master Makarov said.

Milly did not say anything.

"Do you want to see them?", Master Makarov asked.

"If you didn't took me here I will be with them!", Milly snapped.

"Child, tell me, is your pride more important than family?", he asked.

"Hoho, so now you're threatening me?", Milly laughed.

Tales of an Adventure: Forgotten Ties (NaLu Series Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now