Second Memory: Incognito

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Hello everyone! It's evening here and we just recovered from some serious tragedy. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to update on time as I planned to. Please give me some time as I cope up with all the things happening on our lives right now. We're hanging on for now but we need some emotional support. I pray for my family.

Please enjoy this chapter for now. More chapters will be posted as early as I can. Probably next week.



Natsu was looking at his hands and was deep into thought. He was remembering the battle he had at Hargeon Port and how he failed his mission. He gripped his hand tightly and bit his lip.

"Why can't I kill her?", he thought as he remembers Lucy's face.

"What's the matter, Natsu? Are you hungry? I have fish", he suddenly heard out of nowhere. He looked at his surroundings but found no one.

He held his head and flashes of memories starts to blur.

"A job? Really?!", he heard again.



"Flame brain!"


"I heard w hat you did at Hargeon Port", a woman's voice echoed through the darkness. Natsu heard. He recomposed himself instantly.

"Milly?", He   said.

"Hihi, I must  say you did a pretty good job out there. Milly is so pleased", the woman named Milly giggled. 

"I didn't", Natsu said with no interest at all.

"Is it because you didn't manage to kill the target?", Milly asked.

Natsu averted his gaze and looked at his palms.

"Natsu", the voice he hears in his head is making him dizzy. It's unclear but irritating to him. He clasped his hands tightly once again.

"Milly, stop pestering him", a man said.

"Oh Yunehart!", Milly skipped towards him and hugged him.

"You look bad", Yunehart said. Surely he noticed he was sweating a little as if he's fighting with something.

Natsu just gave him a cold look.

"Misha-sama is looking for you", Yunehart said. Natsu instantly stood up and walked deeper to the cave.

"This is bad"

"What is it?", Milly asked him.

"He's starting to show feelings in his eyes"

"Then just do what you always do Yune-kun", Milly poked his cheeks. She's playing with him.

"Milly, if you don't stop, I'll make you kill yourself", Yunehart warned.

"You're no fun", Milly jumped from him. "As if you can catch me", Milly turned and skipped away from him.

"Darn brat", he said.


"Is it true?", Master Makarov asked.

"Yes", Erza closed her eyes.

"How did this happen?", Master Makarov held his head as if he's having a headache.

Tales of an Adventure: Forgotten Ties (NaLu Series Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now