Chapter 35

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As soon as I pulled the front door open, Theodore rushed into the house with Princess in his arms and her diaper bag hanging off of one shoulder. I could tell he was upset about something and I'm assuming it had something to do with Princess' doctor's appointment since he has her and Nicole doesn't. And the appointment was hours ago. It was actually earlier this afternoon and it's almost the middle of the night and he's just getting home.

Before Nicole had Princess, I would've been on his ass about staying out so late but I can't even complain about his behavior anymore. Since she's been here, he's done a complete 360 and doesn't even stay out late like he used to. He's usually home early since he never really goes out anymore, so something must've really happened for him to be home so late.

Just as I was about to close the front door, another guy came walking in behind Theodore with Princess' car seat in his hands. "Wait, don't close the door on me ma. I need to come in and get some air conditioning too." The guy slipped into the small space that was still open and looked up at me with his beautiful eyes. "Ohhhhh, damn," he mumbled. He dropped Princess' car seat and wiped his hands off on his pants as if they wee dirty. "Damn. Who are you?"

I slightly smiled as I stuck my hand out. "I'm Lindsey."

He looked down at my hand and shook his head. "You too fine for a handshake. Give me a hug baby girl." Before I could even respond, he pulled me into a tight hug. "Mmm, titties big and soft just like how I like 'em." I scrunched up my face as he tightened his grip on my body and towered over me. "Your ass is a little flat but that ain't nothing I can't fix. Spend a year with me and you gon' have a big ghetto bootie."

I laughed as I backed away from him. "Who are you?"

"I'm Adonis but everybody just calls me Donny. Why you so fine? You can't be single."

I slightly smiled. "Thank you and I am single," I replied.

I usually wouldn't entertain guys like him but I haven't really had any interactions with any guys since Andre killed himself. I can't even say I'm not over Andre, because I am. I'm completely over him. At one point in time, I did love him and I loved him a lot but after what he did to me and to Daniel especially, is unforgivable. He never even gave me a chance to explain myself about Sean. He didn't even know the full story before he started jumping to conclusions and killed himself because he was acting dumb and reckless. I don't feel bad for anybody that takes their own life because they were being careless when they knew they had people depending on them.

His smile widened. "If you're single, then you gotta be either crazy or you just got out of a relationship."

"I just got out of a bad relationship."

"Damn. What happened? You need somebody to cuddle up with and talk to?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me. "I know we don't know each other but I don't mind cuddling with you."

"Um, my husband committed suicide a few months ago."

"Damn. You okay? You need a hug?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm okay and I would like a hug."

Donny kept his arms tight around me. "I know you probably hurting now but it's gonna get better. You know, moving on is always best. And for any nigga to leave a beautiful woman like you is insane. I wouldn't do anything like that to you. I would keep a beautiful woman like you close and I'd make love to you every single night. You tryna go out for drinks?"

I slightly smiled and pulled away from him. "Actually, I was just about to go to bed. I have to take my son to school in the morning."

His eyes widened. "Your son?"

So Far Gone (Urban) Book 8 | The Sideline SeriesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt