Chapter Nine

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Alec unknowingly had fell right into Magnus' trap. With this "upgraded database" that was introduced to him, Magnus now had access to addresses, numbers, things that his mind couldn't even comprehend because of the excitement that was overwhelming him. He could do a lot with this newfound information.

He felt bad for Alec, of course. He knew that the young detective had a kind heart and wanted nothing more than to help Magnus, but he was also somewhat naive. You never trust the con man. You will get conned. That's just the way of the world. It's con or be conned, and Magnus would much prefer to con.

"I just finished speaking with the mayor's secretary. She's going to set up a meeting for the both of us at 2 tomorrow afternoon. That should give us plenty of time to search your apartment for clues and question your neighbors," Alec set his phone down beside him and sighed. "This is getting exhausting. We're supposed to working on the Valentine case. Not getting sidetracked."

"What happened to compiling evidence first?" Magnus scoffed. "Never mind. The mayor could have contacts outside her mayoral office. They could give us what we need." Magnus winced at what he said. "Shit. I said too much. Forget I said anything-"

"Too late. What kind of contacts? Are you suggesting that Camille is involved with Valentine?"

Magnus poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue. "Not is. Was. How do you think a woman with a criminal record like hers even ran for office? She needed someone with power in order to give her the boost she needed. Once she had it, she didn't need Valentine anymore. But that doesn't mean the two don't get cozy from time to time."

This info was quickly added to Alec's list of crucial information. "This is incredible. What's even more incredible is that it makes sense. Complete sense. She knew she would win because she had Valentine's money and support to back her up."

"And she had a history of violence, which was failed to be mentioned in that sophisticated little database of yours." Magnus tapped on the screen. "She used to beat men she thought deserved it. Call her the female Daredevil, if you will. Took down men she thought were ruining the city. Even killed a man once."

Alec's jaw went slack. "She killed a man? Why wasn't it reported?"

"Why do you think? Because Valentine covered it up. It's obvious. He has people to do his grunt work and other people to clean up that grunt's mess. It's a whole hierarchy system we're dealing with here."

Alec's phone began to ring. "It's Jace. Give me a sec...." He held the phone up to his ear. "What? I'm in the middle of something right now."

"You and Magnus making out? Tired of eye fucking each other?"

Alec choked. "What?! No! He's discussing the mayor with me. I think we're really on to something, Jace. You should come over and hear this for yourself."

Traffic noises blared in Alec's ear and Jace swore. "Son of a bitch! Damn taxis in this city! Don't watch where they're fucking going! Yeah, I'm on my way over there now. Just finished up at the gallery. Won't be long. Ten minutes tops. Want some takeout? Jade Wolf is open 24/7. I just ordered some mu shu pork to go."

Alec glanced up at Magnus. He was scrolling through something on the tablet, deep in concentration. "Uh, I'm good. Magnus and I already ate."

Jace giggled. "What did you eat, dear brother? Does it rhyme with grass? Minus the G and the R?"

Alec scoffed. "You're a pig. He cooked a very elaborate meal. Steak and potatoes. Just so you know, it was the best meal I've ever had in my life." Alec looked up to see Magnus beaming at him proudly. He couldn't help but give a small smile back.

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now