Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Detective, are you in position?"

Alec touched his ear piece. "We are in position. Awaiting the unsub to arrive."

"Roger that. Report back when you can. And good luck."

Alec moved his hand away from his ear and looked around at the people at the park. It seemed like a pretty public location for a meeting, but most of them usually were. Especially when it involved something heavy like Valentine. It was better to meet in a crowded place so nobody would try anything stupid.

"You know, I was thinking....." Magnus began.

"That's never good," Alec muttered.

"Hey. Be nice. I was just thinking....when all this shit blows over. Do you have any plans?"

Alec look at him. "Plans? What kind of plans?"

Magnus shrugged. "I don't know. If you're the one to turn in Valentine, you'll be a celebrity. You won't have time for things anymore."

"You mean I won't have time for you."

"That's not what I said-"

"But that's what you meant. You're scared I'll forget about you once the case is closed."

They were silent as kids ran past holding kites in their hands, laughing and yelling as the kites soared high above their heads. Their parents yelled out to them to be careful but the kids didn't listen. They continued to run around completely unaware of their surroundings.

"I know this might seem a bit sudden and out of the blue, but do you want to be my boyfriend?" Magnus blurted.

Alec coughed and choked on his latte. "Excuse me? What?"

"You heard me. Yes or no? I'd prefer if you said yes so I don't feel bad and regret asking you."

"Uh.....let's talk about this later. Now isn't the time or place," Alec buried his nose into his newspaper, hinting at the end of the conversation.

Getting the hint, Magnus leaned back in his chair and sighed. The kids were still running around and screaming at each other. One of them ran right into a young woman with long brown hair and dirty clothes, apologizing and staring up at the woman in curiosity.

"Tessa just got here," he whispered.

Alec looked up from the paper. Sure enough, Tessa sat on a bench across the pond. She looked unsure of herself as well as a little scared.

"What do we do now?" Magnus asked.

"Approach the target discreetly. Try to use the hidden mics to pick up the conversation. But do not engage under any circumstances. Do I make myself clear?" The voice in their earpieces said.

"10-4," Alec said. "Crystal clear. Come on, Magnus. Walk with me."

It felt like a normal stroll in the park but they both knew it was anything but. The closer they got to Tessa, the more pressure and anxiety crept up on them. If they screwed up, her life was stake. The people around them were at stake too. Any deaths would only mean blood on their hands.

"Unsub approaching target. Proceeding with caution," Alec whispered as they neared Tessa. Beside him, Magnus inhaled sharply in fear.

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now