Part 3

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Chapter 2 - Scott

The smile on his lips was making his face hurt.  If he had a mirror at this very moment, Scott could bet that his cheeks were twitching from the strain.  Was it necessary to be nice to all the women who had come today?  No, but what could he do when each one of them treated him like a king?

"It's just that after Roger, I don't know what to do with my life," the woman in front of him mumbled while wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. 

Scott looked over at Graham with a 'help me' expression, but Graham shrugged as if to say he was on his own.  "I'm sorry for your loss," Scott mumbled, dimming the fake smile stuck on his face.

She sniffed while nodding.  "He was the best thing that had ever happened to me.  When he died, I was so lost.  That's why I decided to come today."

"Yeah," Scott replied, nodding his head in hope that she would just leave.  He didn't want to tell the woman that she wouldn't be the choice from him.  There was one problem, no two problems with her.  One, she was old enough to be his mother.  Two, he didn't deal with crying people.  It may have sounded callous, but something about them scared the hell out of him.  As soon as one tear slipped from their eye, he was usually running for the hills.

Opening her mouth, the woman took a deep, shaky breath before continuing, "Have you ever lost someone?"

"I can't say that I have," Scott answered with a shrug.  "Although, I've never been married, and the relationships I've had only lasted a short period of time."

"What?" she asked with a confused expression.  "What are you talking about?"

Someone kicked his ankle, and by the expression on Graham's face, it was his buddy.  Scott widened his eyes in question, but when Graham said nothing, he turned back towards the woman.  "Your loss, Roger.  I'm sorry you lost your husband; he must have been a great man for you to be so upset about him."

Graham's hand slapped down on the table startling them both.  The woman, who had narrowed her eyes as Scott talked, looked at Graham in shock.  "He has to joke about things like this," Graham started.  "The thing is, he went through something very similar to what you're speaking about not long ago.  Even saying the word snow makes him have to walk away from a crowd.  My guess, he doesn't like people to see him cry, but he tries to cover the pain."

"I haven't lost-" Scott started, but the heel to his foot made him snap his mouth shut in pain.

"The only thing is," Graham interrupted, "his loss was a dog.  You see, he's allergic to cats."

Understanding crossed the woman's face as she hastily stood to her feet.  "I'm sorry, but I could never be with a man who has cat allergies.  I may not want another so soon, but someday, when I'm ready, I see myself having another.  You understand, right?"

Scott went to answer, but when he realized her eyes were on Graham, he kept silent.

"Yes," Graham said with a sympathetic nod.  "I understand.  I hope you find a man who will love you for who you are and for what you love."

A large smile spread across the woman's plain face as she stepped back.  "Thank you."

"It's no problem," Graham mumbled uncomfortably.

She stepped away from them, but smiled over her shoulder before exiting the library completely.  As soon as she was out of sight, Graham banged his head against the table.  "She's going to track me down; I know it.  Why do I have to be nice to them?"

"I don't even know what she was talking about," Scott whispered as the line moved forward.

Graham turned his face slightly to look up at Scott.  A large smile crossed Graham's face as he answered, "Her cat of eight years died yesterday.  She was talking about her cat, you idiot.  You almost stuck your foot in it that time.  What were you doing the entire time she was talking?"

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