Part 24

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Chapter 23 - Scott

Scott watched the two of them as he stood on the outskirts.  Graham stared down at Sam with such intensity that Scott was worried she'd catch fire at any moment.  He had never seen his friend look so adamant about something in his life.  Whatever it was that they were talking about, Graham wanted to make sure he got his point across. 

Around him, the music began again, making the once serious expression on Graham's face turn as light as it usually is.  Scott could not see Sam's face, could not see how she reacted to Graham's words, but when Graham twirled her, Sam's smile caught Scott's attention. 

"She's confused," someone whispered.

Scott glanced next to him, realizing for the first time that Max was standing there.  "What do you mean?"

Max gestured towards Sam, who was now laughing at something Graham whispered in her ear.  "She looks happy, doesn't she?  On the inside, she's freaking out.  The conversation she had with your mother must have hit a little too close to home for her."

"I still don't understand."

Max took a step in front of him, blocking his view of Sam and Graham.  "You think that she freaked out so bad earlier today because she was going to lose you, or was it because she thought she had ruined the relationship between you and Graham?  Look at her, Scott.  Ignore what you think you feel for her, and look at her."

"I would if you would move," Scott mumbled while glancing passed Max.  Scott stared at Sam, at the happy expression on her face, at the way she moved smoothly beside Graham.  They looked perfect for one another.

"Tell me," Max mumbled.  "If Sam walked up to you right now and said she wanted to be with Graham, but still wanted your friendship, what would you say?"

Shrugging, he pulled his eyes off Sam.  "I don't think it would ever be the same.  Maybe, after a couple years, I would be able to be around them again, but I just don't think it would work out anymore."

"You'd be willing to give up your two best friends and their happiness because you felt uncomfortable?"  Max sighed, annoyance in his every motion. "I'm not gay."

"What?" Scott said a little too loud.  Turning towards the man, he stared at Max as if he were a new person.  "What do you mean, you're not gay?"

"I mean men, they may be amazing people, but they don't appeal to me in a sexual sense.  Women, they are more to my tastes."

"Then why—"

"Why does Sam think that?" Max interrupted.  "I told her I loved her once, before I told her I was gay.  It was the first time either of us had even brought up that word between the two of us.  You should have seen the complete panic in her eyes.  I knew right then that if I wouldn't have stopped her, she would have said it back and the two of us would be together as long as I wanted us to be.  Don't you understand, Scott?  Sam's a nice person, almost too nice at times.  It's her downfall."

Scott glanced back towards Sam.  "You want me to give her up?"

Max clamped him on the shoulder just as another song ended.  "No, I want you to let her choose.  Let her pick the one she really wants.  If that happens to be you, more power to you."  Max took a step back.  "Now, go dance with her before someone else grabs her.  These men are like vultures."

Shaking his head, Scott weaved through the crowd and towards Sam.  Just as Max had predicted, another man was attempting to talk her into dancing with him.  Scott could see Graham standing a distance away, looking as if he wanted to intervene, but wanted Sam to make her own decisions.  With a sigh, Scott reached out, pulling Sam away from the man who was now trying to wrap his arms around her.

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