Chapter 6: Some Bad News

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Piper was so happy. She could not wait to find out the sex so she could start decorating the nursery. Alex told her they probably shouldn't buy anything just yet just in case she suffered a miscarriage. Piper had totally forgotten about that. She didn't even want to think about that. She thought that was so unfair that once you get so excited about the fact you're pregnant that it could all be taken away from you in an instant. But I guess that was life sometimes.

She found a really good hospital and OBGYN named Dr. Jason Miller at Bellevue Hospital Center in Manhattan. It turned out he was an old high school boyfriend of Nicky's before she decided to date women. He was a very handsome man. He had dark hair, had to be no older than early 30's, and looked exactly like a CO named Bennett who used to work at Litchfield Penitentiary.

Maybe that's what happened to him, Piper thought.

Piper smiled when she thought of Bennett. She liked him because he was a good dude. She just hated what he did to her friend Daya.

She scheduled an appointment with Dr. Miller for an ultrasound. The only thing was that Alex had to go out of town for a week.

"Do you want me to cancel?"

"No! Gosh, no! Alex, you've been planning this for so long! I'll be fine, really."

"Okay." She kissed Piper and rubbed her belly. Piper didn't have a bump yet, but she was only 9 weeks.

A few days later, Piper found herself at Bellevue Hospital Center. She patiently waited in the waiting room. They called her name and she headed back to get her ultrasound. She was all smiles. She absolutely couldn't wait to see her and Alex's baby. She and Alex had been guessing between each other what the sex would be. Piper thought it would be a girl, while Alex thought it would a boy. The truth was neither of them cared what it was. They just wanted a healthy baby.

Dr. Miller entered the room. "How are we today?"

"Pretty good. Excited!"

"That's good to hear. Well, let's take a look at your baby."
Piper laid back on the cushioned table. She looked up at the ultrasound screen in black and white. She knew she would cry when she heard her baby's heartbeat and saw the little mini me of her and Alex.

Dr. Miller scanned around for a few seconds, but couldn't find anything. Piper could see the look on his face said something was wrong. "What's wrong, Dr. Miller?

Dr. Miller didn't want to make an assumption, but he was pretty sure there was no baby.

Piper didn't know what to think when Dr. Miller didn't respond.

After scanning around for a few more minutes, he came to his final decision.

"I'm so sorry, Piper."

It was the four words she dreaded hearing ever since she found out she was pregnant.

"No one knows why these things happen, but they do. I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do for you... Did you take the subway here? I can call you a cab."

Piper's heart was shattered. But she knew she had to say something.

"That'd be great. Thank you." She said it the best she could, holding back tears.

"Sure. Again, I'm very sorry. Take as much time in here as you need. I'll call your cab." He hugged Piper. He wouldn't usually do that with his patients, but she was a friend of Nicky's and Piper really needed someone then.

Piper said "thank you" to him and he left the room to call her a cab. She sat in the room and just stared at the floor. She felt so betrayed that she couldn't even cry. She knew she would later. She sat in the room for five minutes, then got up and walked out of the room.

"Hey, Pipes. Your cab is outside and I already paid the fare. Call me if you need anything." Piper was sidetracked when Dr. Miller called her Pipes because Alex was the only one who did that, but she was okay with that since Alex wasn't there. "Thank you so much for everything, Dr. Miller."

"Please. Call me Jason." He gave a sympathetic smile.

They said goodbye and she got in the cab. Just as she arrived home, she got a text from Alex.

"Everything go okay, babe?"

That's when Piper started crying. Not because she was alone, but because she knew Alex actually cared. She couldn't bare texting her back then. She tossed her phone on the dresser and went right back to sleep.

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