Chapter 14: NICU

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Two hours later, Piper was asleep. She was worn out not only from giving birth to two babies, but from crying. Alex wrote Piper a note that she would be back in a little bit, just in case she woke up. She didn't want to wait for Piper to wake up. She knew Piper needed her rest.

Alex went down the hall into the NICU to see how the babies were doing. She walked by many babies that looked like they could die at any minute. That scared her that her children were in a place like that. She went over to her son's incubator, labeled "Parker Nicholas Vause". She thought back to when Piper and her were picking out names. She came up with Parker because she really liked it. Piper wanted to honor Nicky, so she decided on Nicholas as a middle name. Parker Nicholas Vause really had a nice ring to it.

He had a breathing and feeding tube in him. There were two armholes she was able to put her arms through to touch him. "Hi Parker. I'm your mama. I can't believe this is happening to you and your sister. But I love you very much." She knew she couldn't kiss him and that broke her heart.

Alex walked over to her daughter's incubator, labeled "Brooklyn Diane Vause". Brooklyn was a name Alex also liked and it was perfect for living in New York. Piper was the one who suggested Diane, after Alex's mom. It made Alex love Piper ten times even more, which she didn't even know was possible.

She put her arms in the armholes and felt the soft skin of her daughter. Fighting back tears, she said, "Hi Brooklyn. I'm your mom, Alex. I love you so much. We're gonna get you out of here. You just need to get better, okay?"

Alex wanted to cry when she went into see the twins but she knew she had to be strong for Piper. Speaking of Piper, she didn't hear her come in and creep up behind her until she felt the embrace of her hug while she was talking to Brooklyn.

Alex stood up. She hugged and kissed Piper. She told Piper she was going to get some water. She asked Piper if she wanted anything. Piper said she wanted some tea.

Alex left the room before Piper could see the tears in her eyes.

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