Chapter 8: Second Time Around

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Alex returned home a few days later and as soon as she entered the house, she dropped her bags and hugged her beautiful wife. "I'm so sorry, Pipes. I wish I had been here to comfort you."

"It's not your fault."

"I should've never gone on that stupid trip."

"Alex, you can't put everything on hold for me. It's sweet that you try too, though."

"I know. I just wish I had been here for your appointment."

Piper smiled at Alex and took her hand. She leaned in to whisper in Alex's ear, "You have an appointment in the bedroom in one minute with a naked woman." Piper started to walk away with a devious grin on her face.

Alex walked into the bedroom and saw a naked Piper waiting for her. She licked her lips and said "Home sweet fucking home."

A few weeks later, after searching for a new clinic to go to, they were on their way to New Hope Fertility Center. Piper was still not over what had happened to her a few weeks ago. That's why she decided to find a new clinic. It's not that she didn't trust Dr. Smith. He seemed really nice. But she couldn't take the chance of being heartbroken like that again. What kind of clinic mixes up blood tests? So they found a new fertility clinic called New Hope Fertility Center because that's exactly what she needed: a new hope.

They were in the waiting room and that familiar "Piper Vause" sound was made from a nurse that came through a door. She led them back to a room where they waited for the new doctor they met with.

Piper kept thinking back to that phone call with Dr. Smith and how just that day had killed something inside. Just then, Dr. Will Johnston entered the room. He was a man in his early 40's and from Piper's research, he had been a fertility doctor for almost 15 years. This was a man she was sure she could trust.

"It's nice to see you again, ladies." He had a smile on his face. He was the kind of guy you could always joke around with, but would always protect you like a big brother. Piper liked that. That made her feel she was in good hands.

They talked for a while, then were led to the room where the magic happens. Piper got in the hospital gown and laid back in the cushioned chair. Dr. Johnston was getting things prepared.
Alex kissed Piper's head and said, "I love you so much, Piper. It's gonna happen. I just know it."

Piper wished she had as much hope as Alex did. She had to keep taking breaths to keep from spontaneously combusting. She didn't know how she held it together these past couple weeks.

They finished the treatments and were leaving to go home. Piper's expression hadn't changed since that day she looked at the black and white screen and saw nothing. One failure and she felt like it was never gonna happen for her and Alex.

Just as they were about to leave the building, Alex stopped.

"Wait. You forgot something."

Piper looked down. She hadn't forgotten her purse. What had she forgotten?

"What did I forget?"

"Your hope."

"My what?"

"Your hope. Piper, you will not get pregnant if you don't have hope that you will. You have to believe that it can happen. You can't let a failure set you back. I know you're pissed about that clinic and so am I, but we need to move on. It's gonna happen for us. Or maybe you don't want this anymore. I swear, Piper, if you changed your mind, I'm gonna..."

That's when Piper started crying. She was so overwhelmed. She sat down on the curb.

Alex sat down next to Piper and kissed her forehead.

"Babe, what is it?"

"You are the best wife anybody could ever ask for. These past few weeks have been really hard for me. And I've been so selfish that I haven't even asked how you feel about all this."

"It doesn't matter how I feel. I just want you to be happy." It had broken Alex's heart to see Piper torn apart. She didn't ever want to see Piper like that again.


"I'm sad. I mean I'm actually getting used to the idea that we could have a kid soon and it broke my heart to see you crushed like that."

Piper hugged Alex. "Thank for you being here when I need you."

Alex held up her hand which showed her wedding ring. "Honor and obey, rich or poor, love and cherish, in sickness and in health, until death do we part.

She grabbed ahold of Alex's hand and they started walking towards the subway.

Piper smiled at Alex as she said, "Oh by the way, I didn't change my mind."

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