Chapter 15: Alex's First Prayer

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Alex went down the hall and found the chapel the hospital had provided for those who needed prayer in times of need. She went and found no one was there so she went up to the first row and knelt down. And she prayed while she cried. "God, I know I don't talk to you much, so I really shouldn't even be asking you of anything. But I need a miracle. Please, God. Those babies are something I didn't even know I wanted. Piper is my life and my wife and I would do anything for her. Please, God. Please. Please let them live."

She stood up from kneeling and left the chapel. She remembered that Piper wanted some tea. Her favorite was chamomile so she went down to the cafeteria to get some for Piper. And lo and behold, guess who she saw again? Larry. She couldn't believe her luck.

"Hey again."

"Hey Larry." Alex was too worn out to even be pissed at Larry.

"How's Piper?"


"Are you okay?" Larry could tell Alex had been crying but didn't want to say anything.

"The twins were born early. They're not doing so well."

"Wow I'm really sorry. I really am."

"It's fine. How's Polly?"

"Good. She had our son."

"What's his name?" Alex wanted to know just in case.

"Alex, we don't have to talk about this."

"Just tell me his name." Alex knew her luck sucked so far. She would kill someone if they named their son Parker or Nicholas.

"Andrew. His name is Andrew Lawrence."


"Well I should get back."


Just then, the universe exploded. Larry hugged Alex. Usually, Alex would've kicked him in the crotch, but she was too tired to do that right now. She just embraced it.



Larry left and Alex went to get Piper's tea. This was the first time Larry had ever touched Alex and it was strange to Alex because she always thought that if Larry had ever laid a finger of her, she would not only kill him, but she would want to boil all her skin off. Alex knew that Larry kinda still cared about Piper. She just loved to give him a hard time about it. I mean, yes Alex was the one who Piper cheated on Larry with but he did however cheat on her with her best friend. That hurt Piper pretty bad. He could've been the bigger man and did nothing. Alex smiled. She said to herself," What a fuckwad."

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