Chapter 9: Success

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Piper woke up bright and early five weeks later to take the pregnancy test. Even though she wasn't sure it would be accurate or not and even though her ultrasound appointment was at 12 that day, she had to know something. The wait was driving her crazy.

She took the pregnancy test and waited. It would take ten minutes to develop.

So she waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally, the ten minutes was up and she looked at the test. A minus would mean "not pregnant" and a plus would mean "pregnant".

She looked and saw the little pink plus sign. She felt tears start forming in her eyes. She didn't want to get her hopes up, but she had to wake Alex to tell her.

She went back into the bedroom with the test in her hand and woke Alex gently. Alex woke up shaken, but was comforted when she saw Piper's face.

"Piper, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Look." She showed Alex the test and Alex put on her glasses and looked. She smiled when she saw the plus.

"For real this time?"

"Yes, jackass."

"You're right. Forgive me. It's not everyday I get woken up to a stick with your urine coated in it shoved in my face."

Piper loved moments like these.

"But seriously," That's when Alex bolted up in bed. "Oh my God!" Alex laughed and hugged Piper. "But we shouldn't get our hopes up because these aren't always accurate."

"I know." Piper laid down in Alex's arms and Alex kissed her head. "I really hope it's right."

"Me too, Pipes. Me too."

They fell back asleep and woke up at 10 a.m. Alex hopped in the shower and when Piper finally rolled out of bed, she knocked on the shower door. "Mind if I join?"

"Come here, little spoon."

They showered and got out to get dressed. They dressed and Alex went to make Piper breakfast. They finished up their breakfast and got ready to leave.

They left and started walking to get to their appointment. They had a little time before they had to be at Bellevue Hospital Center, so they decided to just walk around Manhattan. They walked by a cute baby shop and Piper couldn't help but beg Alex to go in. Alex gave in and they walked in. They looked around and saw almost everything to-be parents would need. Piper picked up a little onesie and was in love. She looked at Alex with an open mouth at how cute the onesie was and how a little tiny human could fit in that.

"Damn. I should be able to handle anything that can fit in that."

"Yes, Al. You should." Piper smiled. They looked around some more and finally, Alex was able to drag Piper out of the store.

They made their way towards the subway and got on. 15 minutes and they got off and headed towards Bellevue. They entered Bellevue and sat in the waiting room. The usual "Piper Vause" was called and they entered a quaint, little room. Piper sat in the chair and they waited for Dr. Miller to come in.

"You nervous?"

"Yeah, but I have hope. A wise person told me to," Piper said as she smiled.

Alex kissed her forehead and said, "I love you." Piper reciprocated the "I love you" just as Dr. Miller walked in. "Well, aren't you two cute?"

Yep, he dated Nicky alright.

"How do you feel, Piper?"

"Nauseous, but I think that's the nervousness."

"Okay. Well, lean back and we'll see what we got here."

Piper did just that. And the next thing she heard made her cry.

The sound of another heart beating never sounded so beautiful. "That's your baby's heartbeat, Piper." And in a second, Dr. Miller had a picture of their baby up on the black and white screen.

"Oh, wow," Piper said in amusement.

"Wow, Pipes. That's our baby."

"I know. I can't believe it. I'm so happy!"

They stayed for a little while and got a picture of their baby. They left and hit the subway. Piper couldn't stop looking at the picture of their tiny little human. Alex was happy this was happening for them, but it made her even happier to see Piper happy again.

Two weeks later, Piper was showering when she got a call from Bellevue. Alex was on the bed when she heard Piper's phone ring. Usually, she wouldn't look at Piper's phone, but she couldn't help herself. She saw Bellevue and immediately picked it up.

She had a conversation with the receptionist and when she hung up, she couldn't believe what she had just been told.

Boy, were they in for a surprise.

Alex knocked on the bathroom door and told Piper she had to run out and she'd be back in about an hour.
She was thankful that she wrote down the name of that baby store they had visited the day they found out Piper was pregnant. She made her way to the store and found what she was looking for. She found something she couldn't resist buying that Piper would love.

She went back home. She found Piper sitting on the couch, watching television. She came in and sat down next to Piper. "Hey, where'd you go?"

"I have a surprise for you."


Alex handed Piper the giftbag the store clerk had given her.

"Awww, Al. This is so sweet. You didn't have to." She kissed Alex.

She opened the bag and took out two onesies. The first said, "I was planned." The other said, "I was a surprise."

Piper looked at Alex with a confused look. "Alex, I don't get it."

"Pipes, think about it."

She looked back at the onesies. "Alex, I really don't understand."

"Piper, who would wear these?"


"Okay. Go on."



"Alex, have you gone mad?"

"Piper, Bellevue called your phone when you were in the shower! They said they were looking at your ultrasound and saw two babies! It's twins!"

Piper was looking at Alex in an "are you crazy-what are you talking about kind of way?" but she knew that Alex would never play that kind of joke on her.

"Wait. Are you serious?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

"We're having two? Two babies?"

"Yes, Pipes!"

"Oh my God! We're having two!"

Piper didn't think she could be any happier than she was on her wedding day, but she was severely mistaken.

She was going up on a whole new level of happy and didn't want the elevator to stop.

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