Chapter 3: Confidence

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"Make sure to finish your homework! I want a well-written essay over anything that interests you. This will help me get to know you all better, both, as a writer, and on a more personal level." Ms. Hale instructed.

We all nodded as everyone gathered their things and headed out the door.

I slowly rose up out of my seat and started packing my bag until a low raspy voice startled me.

"Hey... I'm sorry." Nathan apologized, with his head down. "I guess I pick on other kids because I'm insecure, myself, and picking on you makes me feel less bad about those insecurities."

My eyes widened as I stood there, both, in shock and in awe.

"Wow, Nathaniel... I didn't know. I'm sorry that you're having a difficult time, and if you want, we can be friends, and perhaps, I can help you feel better. I'd help you in any way I can."

He let out a laugh in which he couldn't hold in any longer.

"You seriously bought that?"

I frowned as I continued to put my papers into my folder.

"Silly of you to think I would apologize to someone like you." As he walked toward the door, he mouthed, "You aren't worth my breath."

I sighed as I slipped my arms through the straps of my backpack. Just when I thought he had actually changed; just when I thought he had matured and opened up his heart, he proved me wrong.

Soon after, I lifted my head and noticed Ms. Hale's eyes on me.

Throughout the entire class period, she didn't once acknowledge that I existed. Unlike class yesterday, where all she seemed to care about was my safety, she couldn't bring herself to express any of that concern today.

She just addressed the class, as a whole, and sat at her desk, buried in one of her books, as we worked on our essays.

She must have felt too ashamed of what happened last night and couldn't convince herself to talk to me. And, I'm not going to lie. It hurt so much because she was the only one in my life that actually showed me that my life was worth anything.

Everyone belittled me and took my kindness and lack of retaliation for granted.

Ms. Hale slowly put her book down and walked over to me, her icy blue eyes concentrating on my sad expression the entire time.

"Angel." She said, in a low voice but above a whisper. "Can you stay after class for a minute?"

Staring into her eyes, I saw her regret and remorse. I squinted my eyes as I gave a small nod.

"Sure, Ms. Hale..." I smiled politely, but she could see the hurt and the dismay in it.

She opened her mouth, attempting to say something more, but then almost immediately closed it.

We both stared at the door as it shut, and then we redirected our stares back onto each other.

We were alone.

"Angelica, about last night..."

She looked at the ground as if she was ashamed of the memory.

"I was so unprofessional and cruel to you... a student. There are no words that could even describe how terribly sorry I am for putting you through all of that, for allowing my emotions to run out of control and for you having to witness that."

I smiled weakly as I instinctively wrapped my arms around her. Not for me, but for her. Though she had scared me, it was evident that she was scared that night also. And, for whatever the reason, though I didn't know then, I wanted to help her.

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