Chapter 17: Somewhere

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The darkness surrounded the two of us as we stood there in silence, listening to the wind. I gulped as I decided to confront her.

"Katherine?" I spoke, yet she didn't budge. "Katherine, is that you?"

I spoke up that time, though my body was shivering due to the cold harsh wind and due to my wavering nerves.

The woman seemed to have heard me. I knew she did. And, after a few seconds had passed, she slowly turned around to face me, with a smile on her face, though that smile appeared to be forged. What was going on?

"Katherine, what are you doing out here? It's dangerous."

My eyes seemed to dilate as I continued to look at her expressionless face, as if the storm was nothing at all.

"There's a storm."

I tried to warn her, but, again, she just gave me a blank stare, which made me become a bit irritated.

"Katherine..." I whispered as my heart began to frown. "...come here. Come to me."

I fixated my eyes on her lost ocean-like ones, and I began hoping that she would come to her senses. It really was dangerous to be out here right now. It was also kind of strange. There was no sign of a storm coming, yet here it was, with no hesitance to greet us.

Katherine stayed put, however, ignoring my request.

"Seriously? What is going on with her?" I thought. Fine. If she won't come to me, I'll come to her.

I slowly walked closer to Katherine to the point we were just inches apart. My jaw, then, dropped ever so slightly as something had caught my eye. I didn't notice this before, but her eyes...they were glowing slightly. They had reminded me of the moon's borrowed light shining on the sea. They looked so beautiful. I've never seen anything like it before. Such luminescence, such refinement. I then shook my head at my thoughts. Now was not the time for admiration. This was beyond strange, and it was scaring me seeing her in this kind of state. Something was clearly wrong with her.

"You're eyes," I mumbled.

She tilted her head to the side as she looked at me, curiosity filling her eyes.

"They're glistening," I continued.

"It's my true form," she finally spoke, in a voice other than her own.

It held more gentleness, and it echoed through the thin air. It was quite beautiful. So enchanting.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

I didn't understand what was going on right now.

Her lips curved into a smile as she leaned in closer to me, to the point I could feel her breath on my chin.

"I was born with these eyes, Angelica," she began. "It means we need to talk..." Well, yea.

"Apparently, we do," I retorted.

She bit her lip as she reached out for my hands. I tightly grasped them as I looked intently into her eyes.

"Angelica, I have not been completely honest with you. I've been hiding the biggest part of myself."

I nodded as I listened intently. Whatever it was, she needed to tell me. It was worse to keep it to herself for any longer. She had always been acting weird. No matter what we were doing, or where we were, there would always be this other side of her, the side that she masked with a simple smile. There was always this side of her that held a kind of pain and despair. It appeared to be an unresolved kind of pain. Something had definitely happened to her, and she needed closure.

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